Conceptualizing "Fishing Village" map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Pib, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    I'm dreaming up a competitive map concept based around an Asian fishing village. It will take place in the Forge World ocean, near the Pillar, and be composed of multiple (6 to 10) small simple buildings just above sea level, each built atop rock pillars to make it sort of realistic. You'll be able to travel between the houses via a network of teleporters, man cannons, bridges and underwater tunnels that makes them all accessible. You can also use some little rock islands and floating "fishing rafts" as stepping stones to cross the water to other houses. A larger "fish market" neutral structure will be built into the side of the Pillar.

    I guess the point of this thread is to hear some random input that might help me brainstorm and plan? Are there any similar maps that already exist?

    Here are some images I'm drawing inspiration from. village.jpg
    #1 The Pib, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That sounds like a nice theme that i've never seen before. I will say, try not to make to many paths via mancannon and teleporter. Also don't make the bridges long and skinny like they are in the last picture, especially if they don't have railings.

    I don't know how good this would play competitively, but I could see a good infection map coming out of it. The infected could be piranhas or something, lol.
    #2 Auburn, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  3. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    Thanks for hotlinking the images.

    Maybe I can build slightly submerged paths between the houses that you use Ghosts as "boats" to travel across?
    #3 The Pib, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Yeah you could put a grid under everything, and a death barrier just above it allowing players to use vehicles on it, but not ghosts.

    Good idea for a theme, just make it believable.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No problemo. Fair warning, ghosts and deep water don't mix. Do you mean having the ghost only serve as a way to the other side?
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would try to keep most of the connections as bridges/ areas you can walk between instead of using man cannons, teleports, and underwater areas. Man cannons and teleports don't fit the theme at all and underwater fighting is annoying to most people and seen as uncompetitive.

    Also, don't put a lot of skinny bridges between the buildings and platforms. People will want room to move and play, not something that reminds them of The Cage. I would suggest doing things like (in the place of a bridge) having a boat between two buildings and sloping gangplanks filling in the edges on each side; thus creating a large, wide platform with both cover and height variation that fits the theme perfectly. Doing things like this will allow movement on the map and make it more than a series of buildings connected by frustratingly skinny bridges. Good luck, this theme looks like it could work very nicely if pulled off well.
    #6 Skyward Shoe, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  7. v clinical v

    v clinical v Forerunner
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    I completely agree with this whole idea haha! This sort of map isn't seen much and would probably turn out well if done right. As others have said, keep man cannons and teleporters to a minimum and you should be fine.

    Also, one thing I'd be wary about. Make sure that it's not too hard to move while fighting, nothings more frustrating than having the floor fall out from under you while in a DMR battle. Just make sure you put rails on thin pathways (that ACTUALLY BLOCK the players movement on the ground) and make some areas have a bit more floor to work with. It kind of gets annoying when maps have too many cramped areas, and not a bigger dance floor to maneuver and have a decent fight on.

    Throw me an invite if you're testing :)
  8. s0ulthi3f

    s0ulthi3f Forerunner

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    Has anybody begun this map because if not i will happily see what i can do with the idea as i think its absoloutely fantastic and the type i map i like to forge. Obviously the orignial idea man will get credit. If anybody already has begun i wish you good luck and cant wait to play this on completeion
  9. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    I couldn't find a way to pull this off that wasn't a mess of small playspaces and narrow bridges that would remind people of The Cage, as FlyingShoe warned against doing.
  10. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    You can still have narrow connections to larger playspaces, just don't flood your map with them. Lockout had narrow pathways all over the place, but you were never far from an area with dance floor. Use these walkways as a way to control flow, but don't make them too long or too exposed to numerous lines of sight.

    Catwalk maps aren't easy, but they can be done if managed properly.
  11. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    I couldn't figure out a decent design for it that wouldn't be a pain in the ass series of narrow pathways and a framerate nightmare. If you think you can pull it off go ahead and build it, I don't need any credit.
  12. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    im going to make some forge tutorials for my channel and this one will be villages. i think it may help you out a lot so once i make it i will give you the link. it will cover main villages, water based villages, desert villages, canyon villages, and native american villages.
  13. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the idea after reading through your intentions, there are just a few things I don't agree with. NeverendingHalo sort of picked up on those as a whole as well.

    The teleporters / Mancannons don't really go well with your theme. I think the map should try to promote as much rotational and quick gameplay as possible to keep the chaos coming - Players may abuse the map concept to create a slow and campy game, so your structures need to combat this visage as much as possible. The idea of lots of even-levelled structures around a death pit seems to work, but elevation will be a difficult thing to include. Like all competitive maps, you need height variance, so perhaps around the market there could be an elevated position overlooking the market? With the inclusion of this, you'll also need to make it so that elevated position can't see too much of the map otherwise that will become the spot to camp in.

    I like the idea of having small rafts that could be potentially dangerous to cross. These obviously need to have a risk vs reward scenario included in them. Perhaps a little more cover around them or few lines of sight at them, but make them out of crates / plasma batteries so players can't sit on them for long before they sink!

    It's a really nice theme. Just make sure you implement it as best as you can for gameplay first and then try to work with what you have to ressurect an atmosphere. On another note, you might want to create a few 'inaccessible' buildings to add to the atmosphere. Decorate them with windows and doors (that you can't look inside, reduce framerate etc...) so the act as obstacles but still contribute to the atmosphere.

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