INVASION: Floodgate (aka The Docks)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Oakly HiDef, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    I'm pleased to bring you a preview for the latest version of "The Docks" which has been renamed "Floodgate". The map has been in production for a long time and is on version at least 35. There has been a huge amount of work put into this project and TheHaloWheelmen have been especially helpful in truly bringing the map to where it stands now.

    Our main goal with the map is to get it into matchmaking so tons of testing remains to be had. Soon after this preview we will probably release the latest version and have the community help us run a massive test on it.

    Here is some video from one of our latest tests. (note: the teams were imbalanced)

    Invasion: Floodgate gameplay test 1 - YouTube

    Here are some extra screenshots for those interested.

    Overview of Tier 1

    Alpha Approach

    Closer look at Alpha neutral ground

    Middle Approach

    Bravo Approach

    Closer look at Bravo neutral ground

    Defender's perspective

    Tier II / III


    Tier III vehicles in play

    #1 Oakly HiDef, Mar 6, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I played here once, the game was enjoyable though nothing stuck out as too unique to me. Still, making a good invasion map is tough and that alone is a good achievement. Unfortunately I dont have much to say about the map- I only played once about a week ago. Nothing seemed bad though as far as I remember. The tank and banshee concern me but in that game they were not overpowered, so as far as I know they are balanced well.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map instantly stuck out to me, way back when we first started talking about bringing me on to THFE. It just uses terrain that's not commonly used, and just feels quite unique compared to other island invasion maps. the amount of work that's gone into this is impressive (although you haven't spent 9 months on it like Shoe and I have on our map), and the amount this has changed throughout testing just proves that you guys are putting forth a lot of effort to make the map as good as possible. This would definitely have to be my favorite community invasion map currently, and I look forward to (hopefully) seeing it in matchmaking in the future. Good work Oakley and Kanggo, I need to start coming to more of your tests.
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yey its ready! I love this map, it is definitly a strong contender for matchmaking invasion.

    There are two things I felt made this map special when I played it. The first thing was the diversity of the attacker paths on the first tier. They were all completely different. It really seemed like each pair had their own job to do. The second thing is the Boneyard inspired core building. It is really dynamic in the sense of the banshees being able to affect things inside of the building. You have created something that fixes all of boneyards promblems and incorperated it into a fresh new map.
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm going to have to get used to the new name. :)

    Docks/Floodgate is a lot of fun, and is pretty much what I ask for in an invasion map: it's fun, balanced, fairly unique/ has a good theme, and there is varied gameplay depending on which fire team you are on. And as Elliot said, it has a sexy core building. So sexy I may just have to steal it... (inside joke w/ Duck.)

    Great job man, certainly MM worthy.
  6. s0ulthi3f

    s0ulthi3f Forerunner

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    Wow looks good to me. I have started three invasion maps and not got very far in them cause there so hard! im attempting one atm but am having that block again lol. So looks wicked for an invasion map and will try out when i get home. Nice one tho dude

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