So am I the only one who is generally exited for this game? It's freaking assassins creed + fallout, what's not to love? Anyone else getting it? Discuss.
i dont get many XBLA games, but this has seriously peaked my interest... Okay, edit time. This sounded good, but I just saw IGN's review and it is apparently awful (4.5/10). I will not be getting this if for no other reason than its clunky controls and dumb AI.
The concept may be that of Fallout and Assassin's Creed, but the game is nothing like the latter. It is an XBL Arcade game after all, which means there will definitely be some gameplay flaws. I thought the same for AMY, but was deeply disappointed...
I wouldn't judge the game just because IGN didn't give it a positive review. Other sites and magazines has given it a much higher score.
I don't want to come off as an ass, but there'e already a thread for I Am Alive... I Am Alive Thread.
Well I wouldnt, but they showed proof of bad AI at work and their arguments against it have some weight. I dont blindly accept everything they say about it- they think the graphics are outdated while I see no issue with them at all. Point is though that there were some significant gameplay mechanics that seem broken that were mentioned and for that reason I wont get it. I do love the idea on paper though.