Discuss. This is my view as an individual, not as a USN Reserve Midshipman. Some call it an expensive recruitment video for the US Navy. Others merely label it propaganda for the US military. I say it accomplished what it was made for. The plot was minimal, but one wasn't necessary. The plot resembled one of a video game; Spec Ops is badass, does a standard mission, uncovers and foils a large plot. The focus was on the tactics and valor, not the character development or plot devices. I admit I have a bias towards this movie, especially since I saw it with people from my unit. I would like to hear any opinion, US citizen or no, of age or no, anything. Just keep politics out of it, this doesn't need to be a "Americans are war mongers" thread. This is to discuss the movie and the movie alone.
Coincidentally you may be interested in a game called Spec Ops: The Line. I (obviously) haven't played it yet, but from what I've heard it is a great take on how war slowly drives soldiers insane. It takes place in Dubai where American soldiers are fighting someone I can't remember, and your squad is working from another angle and constantly finds themselves fighting other Americans. spoilers... Spoiler Apparently there is one point where you have the option to use white phosphorus on American soldiers. A lot of people didn't realize that you didn't have to. After using it, many players would actually go kill off the survivors just so they didn't have to listen to their pained screams. It seems like a different approach to "realism" in games. You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned Act of Valor, well it's because I haven't seen it yet. If I have time I will, but the trailers do make it out to be recruit material. Then again you could say that Bond movies are MI6 recruit material... Then again they don't use "active duty" MI6 agents.
I'd rather watch a movie with real actors. and btw, I played the beta for Spec Ops: the line and it was pretty fun.
It was a very good movie, I don't think it was at all a recruitment video. But it was very realistic as it should be and opened many eyes to what men and women face during Combat.
It was really stupid. Good thing I didn't actually have to pay for such a garbage piece of **** movie. Everything was terrible, over the top, and predictable. All the explosions and lame quotes utilized in the movie were hilarious and sad. I'm sure the typical fat American football dude loved the movie to death, I on the other hand, found this film to be insulting to those serving in the military. Go America.
It was based on a true story. and the hardships endured is equal to that of many other soldiers performing operations such as that. And you say its over the top, while real life combat is much louder and horrific. if anything, they had underdone it for the sake of the audience. Overall it was a great movie in my opinion. Though they abused the fps point of view, like it was some cod game, it was intended to show the things a soldier usually sees.
Yeah shanon...I mean I'm not in the military so I'm not about to argue about how realistic the movie is. If military people thought it was then you can't really argue with them. Now, having said that, how "realistic" it is to how the military really is doesn't make it a good movie. There are some pretty realistic war sim games out there but they aren't good games.
A realistic war simulator would have to involve a **** ton of paperwork. Real: SEALs Tactics Bullets (especially the SWCC scene) (obviously not when somebody is shot, only when the guns were fired) Fabricated: Names Personas The overall operation You didn't actually expect in depth roles or plot devices did you? A new Blackhawk Down? The tactics were real, the story loosely based on real missions to the point of keeping security and confidentiality stable. That was the core. The sacrifice, the bravery, the valor. Spoiler Yes thats how you react to a grenade in that situation. There are real stories of dud RPGs making contact. Yes SWCCs operate like that, typically with return fire. Spoiler If you didn't feel god awful at the end, both the scene where LT Engel dies and when the names of SOCOM members that have given their lives passed, you need to reconsider a **** ton of morals. Go call your parents and let them know they failed.
Have you ever met a SEAL? Not the average Shakesperean or otherwise cinematic round character. Thats not to say they are mindless, but in the line of duty there isn't room for more than the operation. The movie uses the ten minutes of civilian scenes to build up the characters as much as they can, but that can only go so far. If you expected a Band of Brothers character buildup or a Patrick Robinson style glorification, I'm sorry.
I love that kids expect witty or intelligent dialogue from military characters in a movie. I especially love when people moan about cheesy or unintelligent dialogue being unrealistic. Most people in the military are dumb rednecks. Brave and dedicated, but also not very smart.
I love it when people extrapolate terribly. I want you to look at something. Take Band of Brothers and Act of Valor. One focuses on the brotherhood in the military, one focuses on the valorous achievements. I'll let you decide which is which.
I don't even know what to say, lol. You're trying to justify the shallow plot by saying military character's aren't deep so how can the story be? That's a cinematic fault on behalf of the director, not military people being uninteresting.
Lol yea. The fact that the guy jumped on the grenade to save his team (which was very brave dont get me wrong). But he simply could have just kicked it away
You are quite the ****. No, you shouldn't expect witty dialogue from soldiers. Unless they're in a movie with a team of writers. And if all writers used that excuse every movie would have terrible dialogue. Nobody IRL talks like people do in movies. I haven't seen the movie, but I think it's fairly obvious that not having trained actors in a movie is a bad idea, and this movie was probably just a big military circlejerk. What I imagine the movie looks like:
Wait wait wait, were you NOT being sarcastic?? ****IN SPOILER YOU POST FOR CHRISSAKE And this is a realistic film, its as close to a documentary as classified intel will let it be. Sorry to let you down then.
I'm not a solider, sailor, or Marine myself, but I have plenty of buddies who are. The movie served its purpose, I think. I saw no hidden agenda. It was an exciting and sobering story. I enjoyed it.
My view: Hey guys what did you think of the realistic action movie? Meh it wasn't good because action isn't the core of action movies and it was too realistic to be worth it Well, it was made to show the sacrifices made You're too biased (by the way please don't mock me with caps lock, thats low)