Map Name: Vanity Player Count: 8-16 Download Link: "This confined structure permeated with tranquility awaits nothing more than its imminent ulterior. 8-16 Players" Description: A competitive map inspired by forerunner architecture. This map has a great design and a lot of people say it looks really great. I want this map to get as much attention as possible because I fell as though it is one of my best creations. Weapons: Sniper rifle (1 x 120 sec respawn, 0 clips) Rocket (1 x 120 sec respawn, 0 clips) DMR (5 x 30 sec respawn, 2 clips) Needle Rifle (2 x 45 sec respawn, 2 clips) Needler (1 x 60 sec respawn, 2 clips) Greanade Launcher (1 x 90 sec respawn, 1 clips) Shotgun (1 x 90 sec spawn, 0 clips) Frag Grenade (2 x 30 sec spawn) Plasma Grenade (4 x 30 sec spawn) Main Main 2 Side 1 Side 2 Base Middle
Inb4edit. From the one pic I can see it has some really long ranges of sight. You should try adding some cover.
Huge LoS in one of the screens. Those little shields don't really break up the hall, and they don't provide enough cover. Unless you've already used up all the building blocks and decorative pieces you could make something out of those pieces that'd provide better cover.
Dude in the 2nd to last screenshot the inclines roofing the one structure, the collosium wall roof snug on top of it, the glass sails, all of it is vvery nice choice of pices asthetics nd eye for detail, but the collosium wall making the roof undernieth the inclines looks weird, mabie a thiner piece would nicer, but not sure if its an option depending on fr... The sandbags in front of the turret don't look nice at all, ex. Last pic. some of ur maps tecture is inconsistant mabie rethinking some piece choise will fix some of this. I agree with noob bout the hall. Looks nice, but would like to see an update in the future
The area with the machine gun turret seems too overpowered. From what i can see, it looks like you situated the rocket launcher extremely close to the MG. This just screams out to people "camp here!" I would strongly advise moving either the rockets or the MG.