And may the odds be ever in your favor! The story: I started reading the book about a week ago. I tell you, it is more addicting than many things. So I'm sitting in school bored when I thought of this. I forged this in only a few days, but I spent hours in one sitting doing it. Gameplay: This plays out much like the games in the books. Right out from the start, you'll see the ground littered with armor abilities (meant to be the backpacks), and some of the average performance guns. Inside the cornucopia, you'll find grenades and more powerful weapons. The best weapons are hidden on the Cornucopia, so good luck finding them if you don't die by then. A main strategy is to just arm yourself with the closest available weapons and armor abilities and get out. You've got access to as much of Forge World as I could make accessible. Find a place to hide, since you have no shields. However, there are overshields and health packs available. If you're lucky, you'll come across a sponsor drop, which is essentially a crate with some weapons, grenades, and health pack or overshield. Contents vary from each of them. There's also one of each armor ability out in the field, supposed to be like using your resources to your benefit. There's even a feast. You'll have access to a wide variety of weapons there, if you can make it, and those are the only things in the map to respawn. That's right, once you use your weapons, grenades, etc, they're gone for good. So be wise. The cornucopia, with an aesthetic hovercraft in the background. Oh, and watch out for the landmines.
Cant tell if this is a fantastic or awful idea to bring into halo. Regardless the arena looks far too open for this. I would reccomend building this rather on the island (more natural hills and barriers) and then puting rocks. Also your cornucopia confuses me. I think for gameplay purposes it would be better to have magnum starts, no equipment/AA or grenades. Then have everyone spawn on the pedestals (elevators from underground) and have it all face a circle of weapons and equipment evenly placed (I cant tell if this is what you already have or not) so everyone has a chance for something. Magnum ammo and maybe one frag set out farther, closer in would be a DMR and Needler, and so on probably with a sniper in the center or rockets. I like the idea I think, but from what you have shown us I think it could be made better. edit:also, someone correct me if im wrong but shouldnt this be in casual rather than competitive? (disregard, the thread was moved to casual)
Cool idea basing a gametype off of The Hunger Games. I have yet to download the map and check it out, but I would've loved to seen some more screenshots because all I've seen for structures is The Cornucopia. I'm concerned that because you've made as much Forge World accessible as possible that there isn't enough objects / cover to really make the map its own rather than just the geometry of Forge World. But I digress, cool idea and +1 DL. I'll give you some more feedback after I take a good look in game.
I'm guessing that the custom gametype in infection? I haven't downloaded the map either, yet it seems like a really interesting concept, like, it doesn't seem like just another random infection map where people go for the power weapons and camp for the whole game. What I guess I am trying to say, is that it seems more complex than other infection games, and that you actually have to search for the better guns, while at the same time defending yourself, which to me would be amazingly fun, and would be more fair for the zombies, meaning fun for everyone! (assuming this is in infection). Great map idea though!
I tried this idea before. wwhat happens is everyone just dies in the first few seconds, so it was a flop. A good thing to note is to give the people sheilds. some of the weapons are to powerful, and you die really fast. Also, if some people do make it out of the bloodbath alive, they just tend to hide out for the rest of the game. try spawning in some kind of random killing machines to take them out, like in the books with the fire or volcano.
I now see that such a large map would lead to a never ending game, so I'll fix that. And I was thinking of trying to do the firestorm but decided not to, but I'll try it and if it work's I'll keep it. And I will try to get more pictures, I was feeling lazy the day I put this up and took only one. The gametype is a free-for-all slayer. Unlimited time, one life, no shields, no damage/resistance multiplier. And there would be a lot of deaths at the beginning in the mad rush for weapons, so that's why I suggest a larger lobby so some people will run off right from the start and go unnoticed.