Today, many of those who have been testing maps with me have all noticed that I have recently had huge spawn issues which were resulting in spawning near the opponent. Why has this been happening? bad placement? Poor use of respawn zones? None of the above, it was my gametype. Anniverary slayer has a huge issue that me and roug3 of forgehub have noticed as a change in weight factors and game-specific spawn mechanics. One of the major changes was the amount of weight a team player now has in Anniverary slayer. The weight factor is much higher higher than an enemy team player. thus we were spawning with our teamates 24 / 7 regardless if there was an enemy nearby. Only when I changed the gametype to full bloom regular slayer did we notice a significant difference in spawning. I am unaware if this is only true for anniversary slayer or not so I recommend to download the gametype that is flawed off my fileshare and do tests yourself.
The problem that happened was that we were spawning with teammates who were in combat with more than one person, or near an enemy. Not fun.
No, its because your a bad forger that sucks at spawns. How can you even contemplate blaming the developer for your own error? By your logic, bad spawns should occur consistently on every other map when the Anniversary gametypes are used. /napoliondynamite.jpg
I can only assume this problem is only really appreciable for dynamic spawning systems. 343 used particularly linear spawns on anniversary maps and I think must have used much less localised spawn zones for the mistake not to be apparent. I haven't noticed any problems thus far on mlg no-bloom which will beusing dynamic spawns so the problem is hopefully isolated to anniversary. Try downloading TU instead; maybe that one will work.