Finally the first GOOD SSX game to come out on XBOX since 10/20/03 is here. SSX the reboot of the franchise really delivers. With the addition of new riders and a return to their more classical level design (1,Tricky, 3) and their world tour mode(Campaign) there is plenty to do. Although an advanced player can probably make it through in 1 or 2 sitting the maps are still intense and all unique. The music ranges from dark jungle drum & bass to some House-Rocking hip hop. The Difficulty really ramps up later in the game which the addition of different gear (Ice axes, Wing suit, Armor & more) and a ton of deathpits. There is a Random loot aspect in the store where new stuff and mystery items are added. Credits plays a huge role in enjoyment and you can even BUY some for real $$$ if your desperate. Boooo Anyways the difficulty does get pretty hard and the fact that there this is no simultaneous multiplayer. Only a sort of faux MP where your ghost are saved online and your constantly competing for high score. (DAMN YOU COSMIC RICK) Overall its really awesome and I cant wait to play with more people so we can earn more cash. IGN Reviews - SSX - Game Review - YouTube IGN REVIEW
Wait, so there's no competitions where you actually race down the mountains beside each other? That's pretty stupid. I had considered getting this, but if I can only play by myself, forget it.
You'd be surprised how awesome it is. I got cosimic rick who plays with me and his ghost is always on the track so i kinda feel like he's there. Its an interesting mechanic you can only appreciate it once you played it but i agree no replacement for simultaneous MP. Its still probably one of my favorite games of all time. Survive mode is amazing and the MP is just ingenious.
this game really needs Skate's video editting mode, to save your own replays and do slow mo and ****. that would be really cool. i love how you can do tricks off a helicopter that is passing by when you hit a big jump. avalanche mode is pretty crazy too
Anyone else find the final race Zoe against Griff extremely hard? You mess up once and you practically lose. Other than that, this has to be one of my favorite 360 games of all time. Ghost mode is awesome, but not nearly as good as an actual MP like Vice had said. I love the gear, it brings a new challenge to the game. I'm excited for what the dlc is going to offer.
Yeah i just beat the challenge the other day. Just play Zoe in explore mode and buy a beter board and it will be cake. Its just hard if u were using zoe's signature board like i was. also i added you Mocha if thats cool... You should also Add Cosmic Rick he is dying for more people to tear up the leaderboard. WE both place in Platinum/Gold in Global Events which have netted me almost 3 million credits at the end of tonight i should triple that (week and 3 days events end this sunday FYI) Multiplayer is just amazing i cant believe im saying that with a game that technically does have MP.
I approve of this message. Additionally, I'm also amazed at how fun the non-multiplayer multiplayer is. I recall chatting with Vice, who was beating me in my game while I was beating him in his game. Surreal. Also, the amount of content in the game is ridiculous. One of the few games where I can safely justify the release-day price-tag. Add me up to rip it up.
SSX: EPIC Wingsuit Shortcut (Code Blue 0:49.06) - YouTube Come at me BRO.. my record is 49.93 or something like that. Good luck beating that!
Should i get this game? I'm seriously wanting it, but finding it hard to justify buying it right now ...
I absolutely loved Tricky (still play it on my Gamecube with friends), and was a fan of 3 and enjoyed On Tour for the most part, so when I finally saw this was to be released, I was ecstatic. The game's single player is enjoyable and helps you get a bearing for all the new additions, albeit there is a steep learning curve towards the end when you try to piece it all together for the final event (although once you get your lines down, the race isn't too bad and you can end up beating it even after one rewind). The sheer depth of boards and snowsuits (glowing suits and power up suits are pretty cool too) add for a nice little niche of customization. Also, promotional events like the Mass Effect boards are pretty freakin cool too (bought the level 10 board for Grif). But the thing that I really like is the pseudo-multiplayer that has already been commented on. One thing that used to irk me about online racing was when you'd eventually run into the group of gamers that always lagged in your races (happens every so often for me in Burnout Revenge, Burnout Paradise, Mario Kart Wii, etc.) It would always seem to take away from the racing experience when I'm in the heat of a good race and suddenly one or two opponents start disappearing around the track. With the ghosts, it gives you something to gun for and there's never any legitimate reason to call out the age old "lag" excuse. Plus online events get super fun and competitive when it boils down to fine-tuning your lines to shave those extra seconds separating you from the diamond bracket and survive is really fun too. Also, it might just be me, but this may be my favorite racing game soundtrack to date. Anyone? tl;dr - Get it. Totally worth the $60 price tag. And if anyone wants to add me I'd be down.
Ok ... i'm resurrecting this thread. If anyone here has this game, can you add me on Live if you haven't already, my GT is TexturedSun. I wanna have more peoples challenges in my RiderNet.
When I leave college to go home tomorrow for Easter I'll add both of ya. If ya wanna be super cool and such you should add xBigDaddyVx too.