Terminus Heavy

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Wraith2098, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:
    Terminus Heavy

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Assault, Capture the Flag, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, Stockpile




    This is one of the heavy maps I submitted for the new playlist coming out in a few days. I made changes throughout the map to balance the map and make it heavy capable.
    -New spawn system to reduce spawn trap scenarios with the larger set of vehicles
    -Several new vehicles and weapons added and all spawn times reduced
    -Central bridge has been heavily gutted to reduce camping and power control
    -Cliff building changed to deck and the same deck has been added to Red base
    -Teleporters moved from central bridge to side decks
    -Rocks and structures adjusted to accommodate new vehicles, specifically the Wraith

    (2) Wraith - 90s
    (4) Chain Hogs - 45s
    (2) Rocket Hogs - 60s
    (4) Ghosts - 30s/45s
    (2) Falcons - 30s
    (1) Revenant - 90s

    Power Weapons
    (2) Sniper Rifles - 1 clip 150s
    (2) Grenade Launcher - 3 clips 90s
    (2) Rocket Launcher - 1 clip 90s
    (2) Concussion Rifle - 1 clip 90s
    (2) Fuel Rod Gun - 0 clip 90s
    (2) Shotgun - 2 clips 120s
    (1) Plasma Launcher - 150s
    (1) Gravity Hammer - 150s
    (1) Energy Sword - 150s

    I'm sure there are other changes I'm forgetting, but that covers the bulk of it.

  2. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ouch... Those weapon spawn times are quite worrysom especially if all your weapons that may help take out vehicles rarely spawn during a game... Did you do that on purpose?
  3. xXTacoGuyXx

    xXTacoGuyXx Forerunner

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    Yeah, i was thinking that too. Are there any other weapons on the map (DMR, AR, Magnum etc)? Overall the map looks alright. If anyone's up for playing some customs on it, i'd be glad to join.
  4. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The maps been through several tests with teams generally ending within 10-15 kills of each other. There are no balance issues. I only listed the power weapons, but there are several other weapons on the map as well. Each base has two Plasma Pistols along with a grenade launcher and Sniper Rifle as well as a concussion rifle and sticky grenades on the other side of the teleporter if you find yourself pinned down. And you can always use one of the vehicles to take out the other vehicles ;)
  5. Charles Stoot

    Charles Stoot Forerunner

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    I don't know how a concussion Rifle and a Rocket launcher would work on the same map, but I guess we'll have to find out. The layout look pretty good though.
    Nice job on the structure.

    Your aquatint,
    Charles J. Stoot.
    "It is Luck That you Failed"
  6. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its a heavy variant of the map. 343 requested heavy map submissions and this was one of mine. Heavy meaning a lot of power weapons and vehicles all on short spawn times much like Halo 3. The final cut of maps will be revealed March 6th so we'll see if this map made it or not. I'm not holding my breath though lol...
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not gunna complain before I play, but do you think the big structure is creative? Or just too random. two large walkways right beside each other is just a weird centerpiece to the map
  8. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its a lot more than that. Its main concept is to break up the LOS between each side of the map which is why the structure is so large. You can walk through it in the game and see all the structuring up close, but there is quite a bit more than just four large bridges.
  9. Infection

    Infection Forerunner

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    Great work on the map. Looks good for a BTB and objective gametypes. Also, i like the the bases and also the middles structure you put into the map, But it Seems like the map is too vehicle based upon, by having the spawn time fast, But its good for a heavy map and i guess that's what it is. Overall, i like the structures of the map, and the designed/layout of the bases, creates more of trying to take the middle structure.
  10. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I helped test the original version of this and that was a good time. The changes sound good and I'd love to see this make the cut.

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