Go ahead, it's not like I have copyrights to that trick or anything lol. And thanks, I figured it deserved an upgrade. The old post was kinda... bland so I added bits focusing more on gameplay aspects rather than just plot and forging.
Love the maps!! They have cool themes and a fun storyline. But can you please message me on how you made the doors in which players have to wait for them to be open?
Just finished watching the videos. I like how you made it play out like a campaign. Never seen something like that before. Very original. But let's face it.. It's all about the story. Gameplay to me has it's flaws. I watched the survivors pretty much walk through the entire map almost untouched in some missions. Not sure if this was the goal or not, but it looks being a zombie would suck. If they do infect it's usually at the end. Maybe you wanted players to walk through scenery just to appreciate it. On that note, some of the scenery you put in was awesome. Downed falcons, Rubble, monuments, ruins. That was the best part. I also like the idea of picking up weapons and health as you go. I have some questions to pose. I sound stupid asking, because it's probably a simple trick; how did you make the doors working? The ones that delay opening. Another question is how did you co ordinate zombie spawning according to survivor location? Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, awesome idea, great storyline. Keep forging.
The reason that occurred is beforehand in the party, I told everyone that was infected to go easy as I wanted to show the whole map in the video. I do understand the concern, but they don't truly play out like that. The videos showing the "Standard" infection maps are more realistic. And the zombies know where to humans are at all times, and have means to access them quickly, it's their own fault if they fail to attack the humans. And doors work by just spawning a man cannon under a crate set at an angle under the crate which is set on the "Fixed > Normal" glitch. Set the cannon to spawn in when you want the door open. A survivor also has to touch the door to make it work, which I think is a nice touch. And zombies spawning on humans? Teleporters that block off and open sequentially.
I see. I guess I didn't know you told zombies to go easy. Thats why humans walked through the mission easily. If you feel like helping a fellow forger out. I didn't really understand how to make the doors still. If there's a man cannon below the crate, how do players not get launched. It might be easier just to show me. If you're down, my GT is I PAINTS I
Ya know, this looks awesome. All the backstory and the videos (which didnt have the best footage, but the music was perfect) really make it all feel like a planned out, well written, custom campaign. I remember zop testing the first map to be built in this campaign (now act 2) and i see how it has evolved into much more than another zombie map. well done
Thanks, that map has come a HUGE ways from what it was before, good ol' Zombie War. And the gameplay vids aren't the greatest, sadly I agree. However, the stoopid Roxio capture card decided to screw up the formatting somehow and I lost all the old gameplays, forcing a hasty lobby to re-cap everything.
Alright, thanks. Oh, and Zop, I found out that I'm going to a LAN party in a few days. We're gonna play all 8 of these, marathon style.
Perhaps I didn't link them right, as I made some minor gameplay updates to all the maps. Let me re-check me links... EDIT: It appears as if the file system as a whole is glitching right now, at least for me.
Yes, three new maps are done and being playtested. Expect them in a few weeks to a month. Since you asked, they are: a post-nuclear city, a post nuclear industrial district, and a post nuclear highway. I think you might get the drift, lol.
Amazing is the only word i have to describe it! you have more than sucseeded where i have failed. zombie maps have been my pride and joy in forge, and you have put me to shame! the complexity of the athsetics and the length of the levels are most imppresive! i hummbly ask but one question... HOW LONG DID THIS TAKE??? i really do want to know!
I started in July and finished up the first version in November. It took a fair amount of time, needless to say...
There has been an excessive amount of spam in this thread, so I'd like to remind all members in this thread that idle conversation and meaningless comments made solely to bump the thread are considered spam. Consider this a warning to everyone in this thread.
Alright, I've just released the V3 of all the maps (Except Act 3, that was already well and done). Changes include gameplay patches such as removed camp-ability of spawns, smarter weapon placement, gametype fixes and improvements, and the addition of Tank zombies to all journey maps. *Ducks*
Link To Act 1 Link To Act 2 Link To Act 3 Link To Act 4 Link To Act 5 Link To Act 6 Link To Act 7 Link To Act 8 Link To Gametype B
CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED MESSAGE ME WITH ALL MAPS AND GAMEMODES note: I found act 1 but i'm still missing the rest of the acts along with the gamemodes