
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by oxitran, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. oxitran

    oxitran Forerunner

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    apollo is a symmetric circle shaped map. The four bay openings allow for cross-map firing and the short distance between bases allows for fast fighting and means you are always moving around the map.

    The centre has floating blocks which provide great angles for jet-packers. the rocket can be reached by going over the gravity lifts.

    The base's are designed to be easily holdable from the sides yet very vulnerable from a frontal assault.

    The bay areas are shaped for grenade throwing and great dmr angles. the open side on each bay lets you fire cross-map, and lets you cover the grav-lifts to prevent flanking.


    I would appreciate positive feedback.
  2. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    I think this is a cool idea. My only dislike is the floating platforms in the center. I don't know if you are going to play a gametype which only has jetpacks or not, but if you are allowing loadouts with sprint and others then this is quite unfair. Not everyone can use jetpacks like everyone else. I, for example, play on bumper jumper controls and can't move direction while jetpacking(use X to jetpack and joystick to change direction). If this is jetpack-only loadouts then I can see it(that's what I would do if I liked using jetpacks a lot). There are a lot of maps out there that are jetpack friendly though. It's all just my opinion. Many other people will like it. Good job though dude!
  3. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    I'm interested to see more of this map. While the pictures do the map no justice, I really want to see how you built your rocket, as I made a space rocket station not too long ago. Maybe you can provide more pictures? Info about the map? Weapon placements? Ect.?
  4. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    looks well mashed together...

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