This is a mini-game where humans try to outrun and outsmart the zombies chasing them. This all takes place in the courtyard of a castle. In the game, humans can't kill the zombies, and the only way to score points is to make it to the end of a round, or to be last man standing. Humans are brown and have swords, but they have unlimited sprint. Zombies have no forced color, shotguns, and ride mongooses. It takes a lot of teamwork and strategy to make a good pair as zombies. The round starts off with two zombies and one mongoose, and without the mongoose zombies move really slow. Even if it seems like a good idea, don't get off the mongoose, because the humans will be able to run away before you can kill them. The rounds are 3 minutes long, and, depending on the skill of the initial zombies, they can be really easy to survive, or extremely difficult. I would recommend playing this game only with people you know and who have mics, although it will work and be fun regardless. I've played a lot of games on it, and it's always a great time for the humans and the zombies. Screenshots: The initial human spawn around the central tower. The humans have time to hide before the zombies are released from their spawn. Most times it's better to hide than to run. Here's a pic of some humans hiding right underneath where the mongooses come out of their spawn. Running across the map with mongooses hot on your tail is sure to give you an adrenaline rush. This guy still has a better chance of making it than you might think, though. An overview of the map. There are plenty of places to hide and evade the zombies, but never get too complacent in your hiding spot. Strategies: -When there's only one zombie, it's very easy to just stay on the opposite side of a rock or tower that they're on. Once there's two or three mongooses, this gets a lot harder, but it will still spare you the initial slaughter. -If you're getting chased by a mongoose, just lead it to where all the other peasants are hiding. This will generally get them off your tail, although everybody else will probably hate you. -Keep switching your hiding spot. Zombies will generally do laps around, so if you go to the last place they checked, you'll have some time before they go back there again. -If you're a zombie, STAY ON THE MONGOOSE! Humans can outrun you and your shotgun, and you're wasting time getting on and off the mongoose. -Make sure the guy who's good at shooting shoots, and the guy who's good at driving drives. You'd think that would be pretty obvious... -Don't move around in a pack as zombies. It leaves whole sections of the map open for people to hide in, and it gives the people you're chasing places to run to. I hope you all try out the map. I've had a ton of fun making it, and a lot more fun playing it. Thanks for reading, and have fun playing!
yes! i love this map. one of the best mini game/ infection maps i have played. id actually say its pretty fun with people who are just complete idiots. makes it more interesting. keep em coming
I really want to try this. I love the fact that it is so simple and it would be easy for people to understand unlike most mini games. Great job on the map as well, can't wait to play this.
Thanks, and thinking on it, it is really interesting to play with idiots. It's always funny to see people who are in parties not listening to directions and trying to bum-rush the mongoose. It really is a ton of fun, and easy to pick up. I'm sure you'll have a great time with it. It's become a regular in my custom games lobbies.
Man i would love to play this but i need to recover my account back cause it got corrupted so have to find time to get it back
One problem is that it is very highly likely that first-timer zombies will just hop on their own mongooses and not realise that they have to shoot the humans, but you can't put a sign of text or something down, so I guess nothing can be done. It also seems a bit "barren". Isn't really a good amount of rocks or towers and such. Other than those it would seem quite fun with a lot of people!
Yeah, it's a game you kind of have to explain in the lobby so everybody gets it beforehand. There are a good amount of rocks, the pictures generally show the middle of the map which is pretty barren. Around the edges there are different rock formations to hide behind, and if there were more it would be a real challenge to drive one mongoose around, much less 3 or 4. Thank you for the input though!
this map looks interesting czarinabox i love the idea behind this map. the only thing i would recommend is to maybe make the outer walls look more visually appealing because it looks like this map is pretty bland so i would figure the budget is still pretty high. so i would maybe take out those wall coli and and use some more attractive blocks. Also i would love to play this one day maybe you could send me a FR on live so we could hang out again, i wont be on today but i will be on tomorrow just so you know.
Incredibly simple idea that works INSANELY well, played this with a few friends the other night and it was the most fun I've had on Reach in quite some time, if you were maybe thinking about making this a series of maps I say go for it, this is one of my favorite mini games in Reach.
The fact that the concept is pretty simple has made me think about making some other maps for the gametype too, and if I do they'll probably end up on here. I have had tons of fun "testing" this map with my friends, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. bullet2thehead9, I can't currently get onto xbox live for various reasons, but I'll send you a FR when I get the chance. As far as the walls go, right now there's no framerate lag whatsoever as far as I'm aware, and I'm hesitant to change the walls to something that could cause any or just be distracting in general. I'll try out some different things and see though.