Original post found: HERE ________________________________________ Originally posted by GameBattles Halo 2's Midship is a map in which things really fall into place. It has several fundamental attributes that contribute to a great multiplayer shooter map, such as symmetry, circularity, and a general structure that doesn't lend itself to camping or excessive fortification. In Halo 2, it is exceedingly rare that one map works well for several gametypes, but Midship provided an exciting, balanced match in Team Slayer, Oddball, Neutral Bomb, and Capture the Flag—a true testament to the quality of its design. In Halo 2, team-shooting was the key to controlling a map and winning battles, and Midship was just the right size so that you could help out your teammates in a gunfight from almost anywhere. Add these factors together and you end up with a masterfully designed map that remains fresh after even thousands of games. I agree with every word. That is quoted from GameBattles.com's "Top 10 Best Multiplayer Maps Of All Time" and every word is straight truth. Midship has to be remade for Halo 3, not only because it was an awesome map but because Halo 3 desperately needs it. Currently there are zero arena maps in Halo 3. Some examples of arena maps for those of you who aren't familiar with the term are Midship, Warlock, and Derelict. Arena maps are usually built small and symmetrical, meant for FFA and Multi Objective games. This void in maps need to be filled with either a remake of Midship (The ultimate Halo arena map) or a new arena map. Bungie is usually pretty consistent when it comes to these types of maps (IMO) all of their arena maps have been good but of course Midship stands out as the best. If it was to be remade I'd really like it as it was. No change to some UNSC training room or a forerunner super space room thingy. Just that good ol' purple covenant ship. As of now we don't really have any covenant themed maps in this game which is weird seeing as how they are the most important species in the Halo series. (I'm not counting humans, lol) Also, none of the call outs have to change like "pink 2" or whatever. It'd be kinda weird calling a grey human watch tower "pink 2" Thanks for hearing me out, I'm looking forward to reading some of the opinions the community has on the subject! =)
no no no, I dont want midship to be remade. It was a good map but I'd like to see bungie release new maps, and not succesors or reimaginations but brand new. Of course there are a few maps I'd like to see return but Midship is not one of them. Yeah, Halo 3 does lack arena maps but have you seen how many there are made here. There are symmetrical maps but not arena maps that bungie have made, I'd like to see a couple arena maps released in the future but I hope that midship isnt one of them.
Isn't Purple Reign supposed to be a remake? I'd love to see Midship. Midship and Lockout were my two favorite maps. We got Lockout in the form of Blackout. If we got a Midship in Halo 3, Halo 3 would be complete. The only thing I ask is for it to be, not a direct port but have it so it feels and flows exactly like Midship in Halo 2. I don't care if they change aesthetics, as long as they keep the flow, similar to how they did Blackout with the exception of the "minor" tweaks (ie, covering up the library window).
also guaranteed some people will hate it. Like some hate Blackout because "it not exactly the same as the original". I hate those people, they harass bungie to remake halo 2 maps and then blast them for not doing it exactly the same. I want to kick those guys in the nads. 700th post
Isolation? Err.. Isolation? Isolation fits the category, however, it isn't the greatest 'arena' map out there. I hope not for a re-make of Midship. Before blasting me, here me out. Blackout was a great remake as a map, however, by trying to keep it exactly the same, it decreased the playability. Spawns are now terrible on the map as an outcome. Power weapons are even more map dominant then they should be on a map. A re-make of midship would not satisfy most peoples desire for it. People are scared of 'new'. Look what happened when Blackout was released. Bungie was blasted by the people that blasted them for not remaking the map earlier. The same thing will happen with a Midship remake. Aswell as the communities response, the new Halo 3 engine will allow a lot of change in asthetics, lowering playability of the map. As maps are remade on furture sequels, too much effort is put into asthetics. This could be trees or barriers where they weren't before. This equals 'bad'. On the other hand, instead of remaking Midship, why don't they create a similar styled map? Just like they did with guardian. For those who don't know, guardian was inspired by lockout. Now with lockout remade, there is less room blackout as guardian is a much better map in my opinion. With the Halo 3 engine, a arena map much superior to Midship can be made.
I disagree it has to be 'enclosed and indoorsy'. I would even go as far as calling Ascension (hope I spelt that right) from Halo 2 an arena map. Ascension with king of the hill was as close to arena as possible.
i never played any video games before mid december when i bought me xbox - but from what i've heard from friends midship was legend, and everytime i play at lockdown with them it reminds them of it - so everyone go download lockdown.
<My opinion> That's quite an overstatement. It's very much like older people telling you school is the best days of your lives. It just seems like it to them because they forget the bad things of school and just remember the good things.
Not necessarily. The could be talking about the good and the bad. W/e. That isn't the point. I agree, I wouldn't call it a legend. It was an awesome map for team and FFA games. It just worked well with all game types.
No matter waht, bungie will remake a map, and if they were to do that, midship would be the map i'd want them to remake.
Bungie has 2 choices 1.Spend their time on a remake of midship which will take a while seeiing how the community wants everything the same as from halo 2. 2.Or make a new map,let everyone down,blow our hopes,not give us recon ,etc. Now I think we all now form past experiences which one bunie will choose.Sorry to burst your bubble and my own but the day midship will be in halo 3 will most likely never come. =(
i think it will be a combination of what you just posted. I think they should do something like Guardian. In the sense that it was inspired by lockout, and plays similar, but a little slower. A midship version of that, I would expect to be dank. danksquared.
I think that it would be a good idea to put out maps like double xp weekends then if the community responds positivly, then they retract the maps and add them to the new map pack. This may not happen for a while considering the unrealisticness of it but if it did it would be shib-tastic
IMO, the only thing Halo 2 has on Halo 3 is the maps because Halo doesn't have any arena maps like you said, and of course, the skill gap was greater in H2 (good players could separate from bad players through stuff like BXR). I wouldn't mind seeing a Midship remake at all, but they are already messed up once on a Lockout remake from a competitive standpoint IMO. Halo 2 just isn't Halo 3, which is why I would like to see new arena maps despite how much I liked Midship. That weekly update on the new maps and playlist updates really got me pumped (other than the decreased change of BR start in Team Slayer). But, 1v1 on forged maps (with the Duel gametype where there is a waypoint over the person in first's head to prevent camping), Team Snipers, and v5 update to MLG playlist is really exciting and shows Bungie really does care about its community.