So lots of rumors have been popping up recently about the production of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. One Nerve Software employee (a company who helped work on Black Ops) listed "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2" as a current project on his Linkedln public page, which was later removed, most likely under the will of Treyarch or Activision. Amazon France also published a product listing for Black Ops 2, but it was also soon removed. Most recently, a Spanish retail website called Fnac wrote that Black Ops 2 would be released November 12th this year. So as you can see, the production of Black Ops 2 is being reported by multiple professional sources, so there's a damn good chance it's happening. What do you think of the rumors, and what do you think Black Ops 2 will be like if it is indeed in production?
I will probably buy it, but mostly just for Zombies. That's basically the only reason why I ever bought WaW and BO.
The only good **** zombie maps were Nact der Untoten and Der Riese. Everything else was over complicated or not fun. I hate how people say that zombies was the only reason, **** ZOMBIES IS NOT WORTH $60!
When I bought BO and WaW, I bought them MOSTLY for Zombies. The campaign and multiplayer were like bonuses for me. I actually disagree with you when you say ALL maps besides NdT and DR were too complicated, although I do agree some went a little over the top, particularly Moon. But most of the maps from BO became classics in my mind, especially Five and Shangri-La, because those maps were actually challenging and you couldn't just run around in circles and survive. But anyway, I'm getting off-topic. Some of the things I wanna see in BO2 are: -Better zombie AI, make them a little more dynamic than just following the shortest path to you. This will help eliminate circle strategies. -Less pointless/annoying features. I'm looking at you, Moon. Having to worry about oxygen, being careful not to break the windows, the excavators, the astronaut zombies, the necessity of your whole team just to get Jugg and much more made this map a dud for me. Add more useful and intuitive features that benefit gameplay and make the maps unique. -Co-op campaign. This was introduced to CoD in WaW, but never used since. CoD is a community game where interacting with other players is what makes it so enjoyable, so why not include multiplayer functionality in campaign? FPS campaigns are ALWAYS more fun when played cooperatively IMO. -More custom game options. CoD has something to learn from Halo, and that's that a community game should be able to be sculpted by the community. Hell, why not even throw in a map editor? That would make CoD customs actually worth playing and messing around with. That's all I can think of ATM.
I REALLY hope there won't be a Black Ops 2. The game itself went overkill on customization and the story itself. It didn't even feel like a regular CoD.
Yeah, but I did find Black Ops to be more bearable than MW3, for whatever it's worth. Truth is, no call of duty has or will be as good as Cod4 was unless Activision increases development time and gets a more talented developer.