Jump Rope

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Darth Human, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Jump Rope
    8-16 players

    No, it's not an actual moving rope for you to jump over, but its the same concept. Instead of a rope, you're jumping traffic, while on a rope. And since this is an infection game, the more people that get infected, the more traffic there will be.

    Here's some YouTube reviews of this map: (The first one is from my channel ;D)
    YouTube - ‪"Jump Rope" [HD] - Halo Reach Forge Maps (THFE) - (Ep.11)‬‏

    Game Night: Halo Reach - Jump Rope - YouTube

    ‪Halo Reach Epic Maps Episode 62: Jump Rope‬‏ - YouTube

    ‪Halo Reach Mini Game Map: Jump Rope [Ep50]‬‏ - YouTube

    Two zombies start each round, while everyone else spawns on top of a rope. Humans cannot move left or right, they can only jump. They also start with spikers and plasma pistols for entertainment purposes. The infected spawn in a room with large variety of vehicles to choose from. About 30 seconds into the game, wraiths begin to spawn. Each round is 3 minutes long.


    You'll also notice everyone has jet packs, but only the last man can use it. Last man also earns 5 points along with an additional 5 points for any remaining survivors.


    I also added a unique feature on this map. As many of you know, the covenant vehicles like to glitch and flip at random times at about 1000mph. Instead of just letting them fly into space or die, I added a complicated set of teleporters to "catch" the flying vehicles and re-teleport them so they glitch straight towards the humans below. There are also two vehicle grav lifts that the infected can use to fly towards their enemies if they choose.


    If you choose to not use a vehicle, you will die in the sky, fall, and hit the ground while everyone below points and laughs.


    Another great map for any TGIF or large party, I hope you enjoy it!
    #1 Darth Human, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2012
  2. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Wow, such a simple concept executed very well. The slope looks very smooth, is that a 5 degree slope?

    I'll definitely look into getting a game of this some time, as like all your other minigames, this one looks like a lot of fun! Great job as always!
  3. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This seems to be a pretty cool idea with the jet packs only to be used by the last man.It seems cleanly forged and would indeed be very fun with a lot of people. Even though this game is sort of already made, you put a twist on it, which I like alot.
  4. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Wow, didnt realize this wasn't released yet, its been played so many times. Anyways, im anxious to see how your recent additions get rid of problems that have plagued it. Have you found a way to fix where humans can occasionally get hit out of the map? (the blue ramps behind the rope) Because i'm sure you noticed people were able to get out sometimes. Anyways, i think this is your most enjoyable map. nice job
  5. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *click* added to TGIF playlist. I don't know if this is my fav out of your minigames but it sure is one to put in a large party and let the noobs enjoy.

    <3 being launched into space by the teleporter
  6. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I do a lot of testing before anything official. I fixed that problem by just getting rid of the ramps and adding a kill barrier. The ramp didn't serve a purpose anyway. And thanks! Personally I enjoyed this one a lot more then the other maps I've done mainly becuase it always got people talking (or screaming).
  7. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Testing with you guys was fun..... but i don't see a second shield door layer to stop people from shooting in the wraith or the thingymagic(ghost like wraith thing (bad memory)) or did you change the settings..... well anyway i have to say bravo on another achievement that has allready made my list of games to keep... (i kept your old version (; )
  8. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes you finally posted this. This such a fun mini game. Are you going to post the the wraith only version to
  9. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    I finally found a way to stabalize unlimited vehicles of any kind (including wraiths). Before I had an unstable spawner that soon filled the entire bunker causing extreme lag. But now that I found a way, ive been making a few new games which look extremely fun. Not going to say much until ive tested them. But I will definitely think about posting a quick notice on this thread saying I have a Waiths-Only version and put links in description. But do you know how often those wraiths glitch? Half the time. And if you got 15 wraiths going, imagine what a kill zone it will be down there with those flying wraiths.

    Edited by merge:

    I already fixed that, go ahead and try it, no one has yet shot the humans with the final version.
    #9 Darth Human, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  10. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    awesome gametype! played this today with a bunch of people, they seemed to really enjoy it. Got some pretty epic kills by getting stuck on the other side of the jump rope with the Revenant and shooting them lol! also getting killed by flying debris from an exploding vehicle!

    good strategy for this map is to park vehicles infront of the jump rope and push them into the humans ^^
  11. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    So basically its more of a Super Fun Slide remix? I like how the map isn't a straight coliseum wall going down, its more of a ring! Anyway, looks like lots of fun Darth. I recommend Needlers and Grenade launchers other than what they start with. It will make it more hectic and fun to play because both of the weapons will cause the vehicles to tumble down >:D
  12. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    This is a really neat concept. You also have some fantastic execution of that concept too! All around, great job.

    Two quick comments:
    -Are the killballs really necessary? They're not as awful-ugly as they were in Halo 3, but still.. I don't think they're very pleasant to look at.

    -It looks like it could drag a bit at the beginning when there are only 2 zombies. Here's a thought that occured to me: Change the gametype to safe havens, but have the safe havens as golfballs occassionally rolling down the ramp. The havens would be configured to prevent humans from jumping, so if the golfball rolled right by you, you'd be stuck until it passed--a sitting duck for the zombies. To make it interesting, give the humans sniper rifles so they can attempt to shoot the golfball/haven away from them.

    Just a thought! :)
  13. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Kill balls aren't for looks, they actually prevent deaths not caused by zombies. In the rare event that a zombie doesn't actually hit anyone (or a vehicle falls behind the rope and explodes) and a player is pushed off (or killed) anyway, they are then killed by the gaurdians (kill balls) and doesn't count as a suicide, preventing them from being infected. Instead they just spawn back on the rope.
  14. gamewhiz11

    gamewhiz11 Forerunner

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    awesome game, its a whole lot of fun with a big party!

    Leave it to Darth to make a fantastic mini game! I can't wait to you release that modded map "SkyPile" on your youtube channel!
  15. Dean PHD

    Dean PHD Forerunner

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    Darth you are the master and I must say we had a ton of playing this map last week. Tell BevansLaw to get his butt back in town so you can finish the new maps your working on. Clogged toilet looks like a lot of fun.
  16. aimiami

    aimiami Forerunner

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    This is probably one of my favorite custom games for halo reach. The wraiths are my favorite part of the map ;) I wonder how a scorpion would work on the map...
  17. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    This map looks amazing. Simple but brilliant. Forged perfectly. Hopefully it is as fun to play as the video made it seem. btw the "random guest" from the vid was a bit awkward.
  18. darkholegames

    darkholegames Forerunner

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    I like the idea of this map. I tried it with some friends and we think the incline needs to be more smooth like on "SPEED" so you continue staying straight and go faster. Keeping it open it cool :) and the jump rope part for the humans is epic :)

    I rate it a 3.5 out of 5
  19. Charles Stoot

    Charles Stoot Forerunner

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    I've been catapulted so far off this map before So much random stuff happens when I play that it is a Blast.

    This is a great concept and a great map.

    I give you props man

    Edited by merge:

    I tried it with a scorpion it really does not work that well.
    #19 Charles Stoot, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2012
  20. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    #20 Darth Human, Mar 3, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2012

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