I know it's not Christmas time anymore but this is one of my favorite maps that I've ever made so I figured I'd share it anyway. (PS Technically the map name is Inf 5 Christmas City) You can play this map with the default Infection gametype or Alpha Zombies. It was mainly created to be aesthetically pleasing and is (unfortunately) only secondarily meant to be an infection map. It is still more fun that I thought it would be and I decided to share it here on forge hub. Tell me what you think Here are some screenshots (video below the screenshots) Here's an old video I made for it (with commentary) Halo Reach Infection Map (Christmas City) - YouTube
This nap looks great. I love the theme that you did and I love your aesthetics especially the lights and the christmas tree it looks really great and creates a perfect illusion that its Christmas. Great map. You should try to submit this to BIOC I am sure it would be a good map for there infection customs and I will also be a neat twist from the normal Halloween/destroyed city theme that a lot of the infections maps have nowadays. Edit* first view yay
Thanks a lot! It was supposed to be a weird break from the gloomy looking infection maps because it was Christmas time so I'm glad you noticed! I doubt they'll do this map also for BIOC because REMkings is already doing another one for me but I'll tell them about it just in case. The link to the map BIOC is looking at is in my signature called Inf_10 Survival. Thanks for the feedback
So much things i like about this map =) The chain with the lights, the tree, the lights on the sides of the zombie spawn house, the destructed entrances, the lanterns... ah what everything is just great (maybe with an special fx like night i would be even better, with all those lights, but i see u low on budget) Oh and now i see whats hanging into the tree, armor effects! But you can make your custom gametype that way that you cant grab them i think.
Glad you like it. I wanted to have FX to make the colors stand out more but i had 0 dollars in forge. I see now that i you can't pick the armor effects up when you have weapon pick-up disabled anyway, oh well. This is the 5th infection map i ever made so i see many things i could've done better but instead of fixing it i play on simply making a new version next Christmas.
Solid map you got here, the Christmas lights are amazing! I haven't seen much of your other work, but after this, I'll be keeping a look out. Like I said, pretty stinking awesome map.
Haha this is pretty sick, I like how you made the brace larges work as streets unlike doing the obvious and use ramp stunts. Looks like you need a bit of patience making that light rope with the flag stands, and I really acknowledge that you took time to make the background more city like with wall Colosseum creating fake buildings. If only you posted this around Christmas time..
The flag stands took so long. It was very frustrating, and I'm glad you like the city scene I created I posted this on my youtube account around christmas time, i didn't really get into forge hub this past sunday or I totally would've! Expect another similar map for this coming christmas even though thats way in the future.
This map creates the most hardcore MLG gameplay I have ever experienced in my life. The tree definitely makes the hardcore, competitive feel clear. The background edifices only add further to the clear contrast of competitive pro legit. Great work.
Dude don't talk me about your MLG skills, you're too good to be true. I've standing in awe of you ever since I saw your walkthrough of Act 1. Man, those perfect DMR headshots, one by one the zombies fell under your mighty command, I was crying like a baby at the end of the video. Great memories.
So you said you didn't like how open the street was in the video. I have a solution, and it'll add to the theme. Put a Warthog in the middle of the road that looks crashed, maybe flip it over, and just make the gametype settings say vehicles=map default, and make sure nobody can get in them. Problem solved.