Picked up for matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by wade, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    How do they pick forged maps to be added into matchmaking? Do they still do that? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am still pretty new.
    Also, does a map have to be compatible with every possible game type to be included?
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are a few select individuals in a group called the Community Cartographers, that communicate with 343 (previously Bungie) and select maps from the community for them (343) to evaluate. Their selections are based off of criteria given by 343... The latest search was for BTB Heavy maps. Prior to that they looked for Infection maps.
    Most likely any map they prick up from now on will be for a short run community playlist... I'm thinking the days of them looking for maps for the staple playlists are essentially over.
  3. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Damn, too late in the game... I guess I will just have to wait and hope that the downloads keep snowballing. Maybe someone will make an exception.

    Thanks a lot for clearing that up. Very specific answer.
  4. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
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    It's a joke. Even so, it still has some tangible basis as some of the forged maps in matchmaking have some serious flaws. Hell, even the disc and DLC maps have flaws. This is the nature of MM nowadays. This is why I prefer custom lobbies.

    Best way to get a map into MM is to find out what 343i is looking for. You won't find this kind of info posted at the Waypoint forums, however. They have the CC's tell the forge community representatives about what kind of maps they want. If you are involved with the forge communities that 343i pulls maps from, then you will hear about it. They've already added Team Slayer and Big Team maps last year, and have recently added Infection.

    You should post your map here in the appropriate forum(s). That will get it some more attention. What kind of map is it? A 4v4?
  5. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    What forum do you think would be best? What communities does 343i pull maps from? I posted it in competitive maps here a couple days ago.

    In a perfect world I would say 5v5, but it should be awesome for 4v4 too. Good for multiple gametypes. The crazy thing is that I have never actually played the map myself. I have never even seen another person on it. Yet it has been downloaded to like 900 times in 5 days now, so there have to be people playing it somewhere.

    I did spend countless hours/days walking through how the map would play out in my head. I was extremely compulsive about everything, but when it came to live testing, I don't really have many Xbox live friends. The ones that I do have suck.

    Thanks for any info you've got. If you ever want to play, or forge some stuff let me know. Actually if you know anyone who would be willing to play on my map with me that would be awesome as well.
  6. iFamousFilms

    iFamousFilms Forerunner

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    I will play on the map. And i could probly get a 4v4 on it.

    My GT is xXxSHUTxUPxXx
  7. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is no harm in posting your map in any forum. As far as what forum is best to post your map in, I would say that depends on your audience.

    Forge Hub has huge traffic, though you may not get many downloads from your map, or views on your thread, for several reasons. Your map may not look good in your screenshots, and many members here decide whether or not they will download your map based on your screenshots. Also, credibility and popularity seem to have a direct correlation with thread views and map downloads as well.

    I am under the impression that talking about other forge communities is frowned upon here at FH, so I will only say that each forge community has it's uses. Some get your map attention. Some get your map reviewed and/or tested.

    It would be nice if you could link us to your map thread.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Don't bother trying to get your maps into matchmaking. 343 seems to be focused on odd playlists (infection, race, heavies, etc.) and doesn't give enough time to really test and perfect a map for matchmaking if you don't have tons of time to play halo. Not many people I know play MM anyways because we have all the good maps in custom games.
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Pyro, I can appreciate your view point that customs have better maps. But I don't necessarily share it. I would say that over half the maps I play on in customs are poorly developed, and a few here or there are "better" than those in MM.

    But that aside, I don't develop maps for MM because they are better than those in MM. I develop maps for MM because I want MY map in MM. It is a personal challenge for me to make a fun map, a good map, a quality map, and to have it recognized by the publisher.

    I would tend to agree with those that advocate that the play lists demonstrate that maps don't get in for those reasons, but if my map gets in, it will be for those reasons.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I don't know who you're playing with, but usually the lobbies I join play good or at least decent maps, although there is the occasional "abridged" thrown in there.

    Is there some secret project you're working on? I haven't seen any or your maps that are the matchmaking style. You remind me of myself back before I took my maps seriously. Your a good forger but you never seem to make normal maps.
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    as much as i like the maps in the playlist, certain ones have to go. (enclosed, uncaged, kingdom, and one i cant really make out the name for). I hardly play BTB to care enough if they changed the maps in that playlist. but I would appreciate an update for all of the playlists. Including a minigame playlist (minigames that people would automatically understand).
    Not trying to get off topic here, but what im getting at is to not get your hopes up. Ive given up on making it to matchmaking. On the otherhand, I very well hope S (by psychoduck) makes it.
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I went through withdrawals and gave up ever thinking I would get a map into MM. I changed communities that I felt more helpful in teaching me what I didn't know. I made friends - the right friends that could help me learn and develop my skills. now my outlook is vastly different. You or anyone else that has a deep passion for forging can do the same. In fact, if your passion is to forge for MM, then you cannot look to do anything else and get fulfilled. So just stick it out and keep looking. But most of all, LISTEN!

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