This Is my re-imagining of Construct From Halo 3. This is the 1st map I have released So feedback negative or positive is welcome. I still need to test it out as ive just started playing Halo Reach and dont have anyone on my friends list If you can help out with that add me on xbox live GT ukskater182. I have only set it up for team slayer as im still not sure how to set up the gametypes. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the map. Pics below.
Did you get the back Grave lifts to lift you up all three floors because that is very difficult to do. I remember this map, a very fun and selective map, even though all the people camp the lifts. So did you put the flame thrower in or what. LoL. Great Job on the map. If you need help with Recording just send me a link to your Bungie file of a clip and I can do the rest. I'll edit it and post it on You Tube and send you a Link back. Can Guarantee it will have any music because of You tubes description but I can see what I can do. I will get it back you you as soon as I can. I can also help you with setting it for game types. Hope I can help, and I can help you with posting. Your Aquatint, Charles J. Stoot. "It is Luck that you Failed" P.S: Send Me a message If you like to except my Help or if you have any Questions.
I can help too, if you want. I have video and audio editors, so that can be useful. Also, if you can't get the grav lifts to take you up all three floors (As harles pointed out), just put one-way shields so that the red side is facing up. It will automatically pull you through, and that way, people can't get down, too. And although I like most of the map, some of it looks too bland(over-used rocks, lots of wall coliseums)... Again, I can help you with it if you want. My GT is darknessdays6.
This looks pretty nice man! Giving it a DL right now. Will let you know i think after i have walked through it
i like the more open and simplistic look of the map but this map has been remade hundreds of times and it has probably been done better. that is the problem with remaking halo maps. everything has been done to death. looks good though.
By the looks of it, you've taken one of the best maps from h 3 and put it into the quarry. Sick. Gunna download, see if it gives me that same feeling like halo 3 did