Endeavor A 7x7 TCOJ Contest Map : 3rd Place Victor It's been a while, Forgehub, since you and I saw a new release of one of my maps. Of course though, when I least expected it- I was drawn back at the call of a most intriguing challenge. The 7x7 contest run by TCOJ text-said to me and everyone else, "can you make a 4v4 map using only seven structural objects- and only one from each category?" Well I found the challenge immensely fascinating and challenging and went to forge like mad once I saw the contest. So now, after many trials and tests, I am here to present my newest map using only a few objects (1x4 Block, Large Bridge, -no building used-, Large Brace, Large Tunnel, Rock Arch). This is Endeavor. Endeavor (previously named The Eve) was built (aside from the contest provided rules) with the idea to make a very fast paced and compact 4v4 map. While many of the larger maps are fun, I wanted to try something different. The end result is a symmetrical map that I found plays quite well and gives a unique feel to some. Various Notes gametypes- This map seems to play very well with no armor abilities. Team Slayer and King of the Hill (not Crazy King) seems to play very well and even some inspiration came from a KotH map. The map is set up for (but has not been tested for nor intended for) multi-team games (colors from red to purple- 5 teams). The player count seems best at 6 or 8. Three health packs exist upon the map. One in each rear base hall and one in the center. Weapon List •DMR (2) •Needle Rifle (2) •Magnum (2) •Plasma Rifle (2) •Plasma Pistol (2) •Grenade Launcher (1) •Sniper Rifle (1) •Plasma Grenade (4) •Fragmentation Grenade (2) Images I want to take one moment to thank all who helped me with Endeavor. There were many and I cannot hope to name them all but thank you who helped make this map what it is today. Thanks to you all I was able to fix exploitable issues and learned what to keep from the original beta version, and what to eliminate violently. I could not have done this without the support of my fellow forgers and other people who play Halo:Reach. Download Endeavor
Good map, cleanly built, gameplay is fine. Though I'll have to say the theme seems like an excavation site. Though the walls and columns make it feel like the city that the combination makes me feel kind of lost when looking at the design. Didn't you say back in Final Elegy that you had given up on forging for college.
glad to see more people entering the competition. this map looks great and i like the use of your tunnel peices but i think the man cannon looks odd and random. overall great map and good luck in the contest. it is good to see some fair competition.
I hope the pictures are from an earlier version because I see both Bridge, Larges and Bridge, Mediums used. Glad to see people entering this intriguing contest though.
Ah, shoot. Yes, there was a time during recent testing where both platform pieces existed. It is now all the Bridge Large, the image showing both was from a test that I had not fully replaced the previously used mediums. The image had been removed that showed this fault. Thank you for pointing that out- I must have missed that in the images. Yes, Phantom, I did 'quit' forging. Well, I quit seriously forging and testing. It became a simple pass-time for a while- but no map i ever made during this time went anywhere significant. This came about because I wanted to test my abilities as a forger and see if I could made a decent map with the restrictions given.
This is pretty impressive and diverse looking for a 7x7 entry. Definitely looks different from the old build. I will have to check it in person for more feedback, hopefully later tonight. Also, glad to see you back and publishing maps again.
WOW, I have been waiting for a 4x4 symetrical map that looks really good, this is it. Consider making another version of this map with more variety of objects for even more visual appeal. I am not sure how it plays but it looks great!
I thought I would have noticed in game the obvious selective peices, but I didn't. Only after you mentioned it was for the 7x7 contest did I realize that there was only 1 object from each category. I simply thought you had a totally different piece choice from what you see in most maps. Props on not choosing the coliseum wall as your wall piece. The games we played here were fun. I much preferred Slayer over CTF and KoTH. I didn't quite like the hill placements, being so close to each other, but I understand why they are there. Those are probably the best spots for them considering the map's layout. One issue I had was that it was very close-quarters all around the map. With Endeavor, I think what added to the CQC feel were all the twists and turns, and the very tall structures made out of tunnel, longs. In retrospect, it felt like being in a forest, unable to see at a distance because there were too many trees in the way. Overall, as the map is a 7x7 submission, I would say you did a good job creating a playable, competitive map. Your object choice was different from I would have expected out of a 7x7 submission. I thought people would have used 2x4s, colisuem walls, 2x2 ramps etc.
wow dude, def wana download nd give a try, i read the 7x7 challenge rules nd then saw this and i must say impressive. will give a try
After closer inspection I can muster up some more possible constructive criticism: I feel like the sniper rifle is not an ideal power weapon on the map since most of the sightlines are shorter. Of course I imagine you might have reasons you wanted it to be underpowered, and a CQC power weapon as an alternative would definitely be overpowered on this map. Some of the areas I noticed were kind of dead ends, i.e., the little cove behind the large rock on each side, and the u-shaped hall with the health pack on the back of the tunnel walls. Two avoid camping or "only two-ways in" syndrome, might you put a teleporter between these areas on each side? Could even be one way, from low to high, but that's just one idea. Maybe those areas being segmented as they are are essential for alternative safe spawning options. Anyways, complaints aside I enjoyed the final version. It's built into the quarry quite well.
Yes, thank you so much for inviting me to play with you guys the other day, that really helped me out. I'm actually happy I had to tell you it was a map for that contest- it just goes to show that the map can hold it's own even with the limitations I was given I suppose! I also did try to not use the standard pieces (2x2 ramp, coliseum wall, etc.) that I expected to see a lot in these contest maps. I really wanted the map to show a unique look, which came about in my flooring. I am not surprised that team slayer felt best for you, it seems to be generally more fun then objective games unfortunately here. I think KOTH (not crazy king) works very well 3v3 though- and it should, as some parts of this map were very influenced by Viaduct (a KOTH map) from Team Fortress 2. I think that the nature of the map will have many uneasy or unhappy- it is extremely close quarters and some people aren't as fond of that as others. I personally think it's a nice change of pace, though I understand why others may not think that way. Your forest analogy is perfect, I think it captures the feeling of the map decently. Though there are some longer lines of sight, it doesnt take much to get into cover. Thanks again for the testing help and I appreciate the time and thought put into that post. I appreciate you taking another look at this in the game. Considering the sniper, I put it there to provide skilled marksmen with a machine of destruction. I would be very lucky to get a hit on this map let alone a headshot here, but both have been done. There are a few longer lines of sight, notably the sight from the two ends of the middle (sniper and grenade launcher spawn), though as I said in response to Noooooch cover is not far away. Your concern over it's usefulness is understandable, though I have found in most games that someone has picked the sniper up and used it effectively as a support weapon for the team, not a dominant machine of death- which is what I wanted. And of course as you said, a weapon like the shotgun would be quite useful, though I fear overpowered. I chose the weapons I did to be supporting tools, rather than power weapons. DMR or even an AR can always have a good chance to beat either. As for these "two ways in" locations, you make a valid point- though I dont expect any issues to come of it. Going off one the two locations you specified ('U' loop in grassy area near red/blue initial spawns and the area closer where the health pack is) I will explain my intentions. The grassy 'U' was placed to give more dance floor and some extra spawning locations. Honestly in no test have I ever seen any action in the area- people spawn there and move away. Rarely is there ever a shot fired even. The health pack deviation [from the main path] was added due to the main passage (where flag and initial spawns are) were getting overrun often in games and spawning quickly became poor after this event. To remedy this I added that new section and it seems to fix it all creating a safer area to spawn, heal, and get the plasma rifle. From here defenders of the possibly overrun hall can spawn and mount a decent counterattack and have a place to retreat to. If that area is overrun they should spawn away from the area near the grassy 'U' or possibly farther away in other locations. The teleporter is a decent idea, though I fear the teleporters may simply mess with the flow- however I would consider altering the map to accommodate changes should any of these areas pose a problem ever in gameplay. Thanks again to both of you for the thought you put into these comments, I appreciate it. And to those of you who commented and I didnt quote, thank you for the compliments, Endeavor was a great challenge to make and I hope you enjoy it!
I had a game on this the other day (think u were in the lobby). And I recall it seemed bumpy in a couple of areas, and well as a hectic fighting environment. I mean, what do you expect from a 5v5 koth? But other than that, I thought it had a good flow of space and landscape throught the map. Keep it up
great map, keenly made with a well, all around good thought out layout. I really cant think of anything wrong with this map. gameplay is quick and to the point i think its what all players wanna see. great work buddy.
After countless gameplay lobbies I have to say with some adjusting to the bumps, (yeah I saw them too), this can be a fantastic 4v4 map. As close quartered as it may be, it has many los blocks which gives a little more comfort in player movement. the back hall was a nice addition as well, it made it more suitable for movment so it wasn't so linear in that area. king of the hill had some great gameplay because of how each room was seperated, plus the center cover made the center area more desirable. for the upper balcony in each base, even though there is only two ways up to that area, it was too exposed to the bottom area which made it a bit undesirable. In other words, that area was mostly for assaulting the bases and didn't give any major advantages which made more positive flow through the middle. The map flow wise is like water, there was not one area I didn't use which was great. spawning was superb, had no close calls or spawn kills (and after 8 tests that says something). I don't really see anything wrong with this map that could be gamebreaking, and considering you did this for a contest, 10/10. Well done and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Thanks you guys for the kind words. As for these bumps- I tried to smooth them all out- though it didn't go well due to the nature of the brace large (my ramps) moving around on their own an d also not being a great ramp connection to the other pieces. Redemption- I can understand you're thought on the balconies and not liking that there were only 2 ways up- but you also say they were not power positions and the map has great flow so I'm happy with that. The balconies were to serve more as a secondary pathway and even a way to surprise the enemy with such a different height instead on being on the grass. They have worked just how I always expected and wanted. Thanks again, my friends. I'm glad you enjoy the map.
Incredibly clean, this is very impressive, I like the use of rocks as walls, and the use of blocks is so creative it never gets old. The sniper works well as it's closer quarters taking most of its power away. Great map man.