Double weapon switch after reload.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iamluke21393, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I've watched lots of professionals (or maybe they're just people with more skill than I have) on YouTube playing Halo: Reach, and they always do a double weapon swap after reloading. I'm guessing that it reduces the time it takes for the weapon to become useable again after it gets reloaded or it reduces the time it takes for you to be able to scope again. Can anybody give me more information on this? I'd really like to start training myself to do it.

    Also, is there a controller sensitivity that most MLG players use or is it really just a personal preference?
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I'm pretty sure this stopped after Halo 2. It it we're possible in Reach there would have been discussion about it here sooner.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I don't think it works in Reach, but I catch myself doing it everytime I reload, even in sometimes in other gmaes, I was just used to do it everytime in Halo 2 and that's still the game I played for the longest time
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I think it might make a very slight difference with the Sniper, but that's it (if at all). I still find myself doing it, but then I YY a lot anyway.

    As for controller sens, the average was definitely 3 in Halo 3, with a few people on 4 and one or two notable examples on 5 (<3 Pistol, miss Mackeo...). I know a few people have bumped up from 3 to 4 in Reach due to the decreased aim acceleration (which I did, 3 now feels too slow but 4 is great), but I think the majority of people who played on 3 sens have stuck with it.
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    When I played actively, I always double-swapped after a sniper shot, but I'm certain that's just a habit I picked up from Counter-Strike since the main sniper rifle in that game required you to swap afterwards or you'd have to go through the very long bolt-reload animation, which meant death against people gunning for you with ARs or even the super-kill AWP.
  6. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I just did a sniperfight, and it seemed like I could scope faster after my reloads when I double swapped. Maybe I'm just imagining it to be better since I've seen professionals do it... Has anybody actually done some sort of test to check this? I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult.

    Edited by merge:

    Also, thanks for this. I was under the impression that anybody that played professionally had trained themselves to somehow use 10 for their controller sensitivity. Nice to know that's not true, because I got up to about 7 before I decided it was going to be impossible for me.
    #6 iamluke21393, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Sniping above a 7 sounds painfully hard.
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you reload and switch weapons twice at the right moment you will be able to shoot/zoom in faster. The usual time between reload and being able to do anything else is 1.335 seconds and with the switching weapons glitch you shave off about .2 seconds. Doesn't seem very important but it can be useful while sniping which is when most people use the glitch. It has become habit of mine which I won't unlearn any time soon.

    Also, I played at 4 sensitivity. It doesn't really matter what sensitivity you use as long as you're comfortable playing at it. Roy for example only plays at 2 or 3 while other MLG pros play at a much higher sensitivity.
    #8 Overdoziz, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012
  9. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Its more effective when getting outa scope than double clicking the right joystick (due to the possibility of failure), but when it comes to after the reload, it MIGHT save a about 10 milliseconds to take a shot. It might actually save you by doing it.
    In my honest opinion, keep doing it. Plus it increases you weapon-switching reflexes. Hittin switches for the bitchez
  10. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    I play on either 7 or 10 and I'm fine. You just have to get used to it.
  11. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    I use it to get out of scoping on my sniper or other precision weapon all the time.
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    You just need to set it to 10 right when you start. Then you get used to it. The only downside is the learning curve to get used to the setting resets if you don't play the game for a while, or at least it did for me.

    I was a pro sniper in my day, might get back into reach soon actually. Not actually pro (that was for peg, who will undoubtedly call my claims into question, because he lives for that :p )
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Last I heard Roy still played 3, don't think he's switched down, in fact I don't know of any pros who play 2 or 1. I can't bring to mind anyone who plays above 5 either, and tbh can only think of Pistola off the top of my head who plays that high. I seem to remember there's one occasional or new top 16 player who plays like 6 or 7, but tbh 5 in itself is pretty common and hardly anyone at the highest levels goes above that.

    You're right about shaving off time, though. I was playing again today and started noticing the time at which I instinctively start YYing after a Sniper reload. It actually allows you to cut out some of the animation a la CE/H2.
    #13 Pegasi, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012
  14. Foehammar419

    Foehammar419 Forerunner

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    I usually play at 7 or 8, mainly because I play MW2/MW3 a lot and Reach's aim acceleration is wayyyy slower. If you want to play at a higher sensitivity, just turn it up for a few games and you'll get used to it. Be patient, though :)
  15. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, I do this in all shooter games I play. I've never seen "Pros" do it, but I just always knew that the reload time was faster when you switch weapons like that. I do it in reach with the sniper,but it is beyond me if it works. 9/10 it's just a habbit.
  16. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I play on eight normally.

    But then again,

    Also, 666 posts.

    Leo and Satan - Algebra Aversion - YouTube
  17. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I double-switch to get out of sniper zoom, because I hate double-clicking the thumbstick to get out of it, and it's just quicker. Especially when **** hits the fan.

    I also play at either four or five sensitivity. It may seem a little slow, but it's good for the fine aiming gametypes like Snipers and SWAT.

    Here's an interesting fact though, did you know that if you hold in the right thumbstick to zoom with a scoped weapon for longer than half a second it will un-zoom when you release it? If you could allocate zoom to another button this may come in handy.
  18. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    i dont do any double switch or stuff like that, but i used to always play Cod on about 7 or 8, so the 10 on halo is actually pretty slow to me. ive gotten used to it, and im pretty good at sniping. usually.
  19. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I actually found that out a while ago. It shocked me the first time it happened. I thought I had broken my controller or something.

    So, general consensus is that I should just play with something around 4-5 unless I started in the high numbers.
  20. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    there is a video somewhere explaining how doing that will shave like 0.988 seconds off your reload. i always do that with the grenade launcher exept you wait till the grenade has been put in the pipe because it looks cool and saves time.

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