Source: I'm stoked. EA is supposed to be announcing some big things at GDC on March 6th (same day as Mass Effect 3). if this is really what they're announcing, I'll have that **** pre-ordered as soon as I can. I love Sim City, and it looks like they're going back to the roots of the franchise after Societies killed it.
Dude I played the **** out of Sim City 2000. I had no idea what I was doing because I was like 8, but it was still awesome.
Two big things i noticed from the pictures was the fact that you could now make curved roads and that roads can now go under bridges. Those were two things that I really wanted in Sim City 4.
This looks pretty sweet. I always liked simcity, but I had the same age problem as ace so my economy always sucked and I couldn't build cool things. I'm not sure if I would want to try to compete with other people on an online mode though, I'd probably just stick to a single player thing
now i have this urge to start up SC4 again. i never ended up finishing the kingdom of titmar cant wait for this! curved road.... yum looks nice too
Such found memories of Sim City. All the sounds, sights, and driving buses around to make a few bucks. And this looks so much better.
Yay! Finally, a new Sim City game! I love love Sim City. I had Sim City 4 deluxe with rush hour. That game was so addictive. I wonder how well this one will live up...
I did a lazy google search and I think previous sim city games have been on macs so I don't see why this one wouldn't be Also, how do you guys think the curved road building will work?
yea, probably beziers, at least thats how it seems in the above video. im curious how the zoning is going to work with the irregularly shaped areas. if you zone next to a curved road, will the buildings auotmatically orient themselves to the road nearest them? i assume so
When does this game drop again? or has it not been announced yet? Im going to buy a new laptop or desktop next week. Ive been wating to get into pc gaming for a while. Mostly for the ability to mod and the soooo useful console commands for notorious games like Fallout and Skyrim...
dude... Bloo... thanks for posting that Cities XL... i went an bought it and now i didnt get anything done all weekend, lol. DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuu