I'm submitting my t-shirt design to threadless sometime this week. I've been getting a lot of conflicting feedback from various people that I respect, so I've ultimately decided to make a poll. While I have my own personal favorite, I want to see if I should go with that instinct or not. We'll see. Option A Spoiler Option B Spoiler Option C Spoiler Option D Spoiler If you end up choosing two, please state a preference below. Thanks.
QFTQFTQFTQFT that's the wording ive been looking for. i voted C, because i feel the jupiter detail maintains the minimalist look, but im all for D as well.
Let me tell you a cool story bro: Spoiler Once upon a time there was a guy. The guy loved hats. He collected hats his whole life. So, he wanted to sell his hats and open a hat store. The guy came up with the name of the store he liked. He printed the name on a banner. He asked someone what they thought. They gave their opinion, and the guy changed it. Then the guy asked someone else, he added something. The guy changed it. He kept doing it until the last person said the title shouldn't be a paragraph. At the end, the title became what he started out as: "Guy's Hat Store."
Scratch what I said on Facebook, go with C or D. I'd rather go with subtlety than explicit detail when alluding to pacman and the solar system.
Definitely C. The Jupiter in B looks too bright, the smaller palnets down really need much detail at all and the Jupiter in D looks too plain. All the other planets don't need much definition, but the Red Spot on Jupiter is one of its defining features and so should be a part of it. I'm also wondering if you're intending to do one with all 8 Planets on it? That'd look cool and make an awesome background or something.
I like C, but I'd like it better with less harsh effects on Jupiter. Possibly remove the red planet and lower the opacity/contrast of the lines. But overall, of the ones to choose from, I'd choose C.
Alright, so assuming C, thoughts on colors? I had to have someone help me pick them because I have red-green colorblindness, so I'm not entirely sure if they flow well. I think Earth and the sun are fine, however.
I voted B. I like the detail in Mercury, but not the detail in Venus or Mars. Don't ask me why, it just seems appropriate to have craters in Mercury, and it appealed to me more. Having two planets with similar features right next to each other seemed a little much of the muchness, and the lines in Mars didn't look like they belonged. Jupiter looks good with the detail, and I'm digging the minimalist motif. Doesn't matter though, everyone's going for C. Sheep.
What's it called? All threadless tees have clever names q: Also, isn't there a limit to how many colors you can use? I think it's 6 or 8 or something.