Mine's warning!-closed-low/excellent and in Infection I've had hundreds of undeserved deaths and armor lock won't work till a split second after already pushing the ground and people to me sometimes just snap from place to place, especially in BTB. How about you?
Have you done a speed test and a ping test? I'd be interested to see the results. Click "Share this result" when the test is done and paste the "forum" code in to a reply here.
Unplug your router, and wait about a minute, then plug it back in. That should reset your NAT and fix most lag problems.
Most people with a closed NAT have one because of router settings, which won't be fixed by a power cycle. Some settings allow you to directly change NAT settings, with others requiring you to forward ports/set a DMZ for your Xbox. Power cycles are always worth trying, but I think it's more likely that his connection/router settings are at fault here.
My internet randomly decides to suck then be awesome later. At its worst I can lag health back so I'm almost impossible to kill, but when it's good I can usually get host. I randomly switch between wireless barely in range of my router and wired connections and it makes no discernable difference.
Do you know the speeds you're supposed to be getting on your internet package? 0.59 upload is pretty bad, I had to play with that for about a year and it was laggy the vast majority of the time. Definitely try unplugging (leave it for 30 seconds before plugging it back in, just in case), but if your speed test results are still bad after that then its just the limits of your internet speed. Guessing that upgrading your package isn't really an option?
Do you think buying a Wireless Repeater might work since my Xbox is pretty far from my router. Could people also explain how a Wireless Repeater works? I'm not a connection expert, however my bad unfixed connection should explain enough.
Yes you do, and it's so... annoying... want... to... kill... Overdoziz... but can't... due to... horrible... CONNECTION... AAARGH. I swear Bungie just set up the host selection code to favor people in small European countries no matter what. I gotta try this thing next time I'm home. I'm kind of curious. I pay quite a bit for a robust cable modem, so the speed better be worth it. I know my download speed is usually quite good, though not as good as the T1 at work which is absolutely sick.
Oh dear god, I thought you were exaggerating with your Overdoziz connection bitching. Just know that not all EU people inflict this on others, behold! My ping seems quite variable, still trying to get that sorted. @artifact: a wireless repeater may well be a good investment. Is that speed test done from a computer also connected by WiFi? If so, did you do it from next to your Xbox to try and get a similar approximation of WiFi signal strength? I'd be interested to see what kind of results you get with a computer wired in to your router.