I walk into the Staff forum. Grif: You should be ashamed Shock, calling Forge Hub the community that cares. Shock: We do care Grif, it's all about the greater good. The Greater Good. Grif: How can this be for the greater good. The Greater Good. Shock: You see as much as I enjoyed your wild theories the truth is far less complex. The Off Topic's fate was simply the result of it being an appalling section. Appalling. Grif: You destroyed it for that? Shock: Well it destroyed the General Section. Grif: What? Oh. Shock: We didn't want to jeopardize that, not when we had rational discussion in the wings. Grif: What about the random crap threads, they kept the section fed with new material! Shock: They were filled with terrible spelling errors. Grif: How can this be for the greater good. The Greater Good. Shut it! These threads were deleted for no reason, no reason what so ever. TrueDarkFusion: Oh I wouldn't say that. Grif is stunned. TDF: I was like you once, I believed in the immutable section that was the Off Topic. That is until the night Dragoncoals was taken from me. When Bungie announced it would be picking the best community he worked tirelessly to make the site perfect. The night before the judging a few trolls setup in the forum. Forge Hub lost the title, and Dragoncoals lost his mind. He posted porn and got his account banned. From that moment on I swore that we would make Forge Hub good again, whatever the cost. Grif: Sir this doesn't make any sense. TDF: Bungie arrives tomorrow. Grif: Are you saying this about winning the best forum award? TDF: This is the best forum Grif, you see the people. There happy, contented. Grif: They're living in a dream world. TDF: SargentSarcasm thought the same as you. I'm disappointed you can't see the bigger picture. Grif: Well I'm happy to disappoint you sir. Well I'm afraid you are going to have to have to be infracted. All of you are going to have to be infracted. TDF: No, Grif, I'm afraid it is you who is going to have to be infracted by us. Insane steps from the shadows. Grif: Insane no... Grif holds Insane at knife point. Grif: Back off, back off! Or your going to have to explain how Insane tripped and accidentally deleted his own account! TDF: Come on Grif you haven't got it in you. Grif: I mean it! ****!
So... this thread is the reason Off-Topic got shut down temporarily? Or is OT just a massive **** pile clogging up the entire board? I'd accept either reason as reasonable responses.