Inf_10 Survival

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by oomishday3, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Forerunner

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    I made an infection map. I works with as many people as you can get in a party but is best with around 12. It is a mix of linear progression and free roam as well as a mix of broken structures and rocks/organic pieces. It is beautiful and fun to play on.

    My video will explain most things.

    Here is a gameplay video (from human and zombie perspective)

    oomishday3 Gameplay on Inf_10 Survival - YouTube

    Here is a complete breakdown of the map

    oomishday3's Halo Reach Infection Map: Survival - YouTube

    Edited by merge:


    Here is a more in depth description:

    Speed, Jump Height, and Gravity are whatever it is in default Alpha Zombies.
    Starting zombies: 1 (this single alpha zombie has unlimited sprint)
    Health: 100% (no shield)
    Starting Weapon: energy sword

    Custom Powerup Traits (for zombies only):
    Speed: 90%
    Jump height: 110%
    Gravity: increased
    Health: 500% and are immune to headshots.

    default statistics for movement
    Starting Weapon: assault rifle
    Weapon pick-up: enabled

    Last Man Standing Traits:
    -unlimited sprint
    -speed: 110%

    WEAPONS ON MAP: (not sure of exact number because I'm a n00b)
    -assault rifles (plenty of ammo)
    -pistols (limited ammo)
    -DMRs (0 extra clips)
    -shotgun (0 extra clips)
    -rocket launcher (0 extra clips)
    -grenade launcher (5 clips but it's ineffective)
    -sniper rifle (1 extra clip)
    -frag grenade (3 hidden on map)

    Tell me what you think :)
    #1 oomishday3, Feb 27, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2012
  2. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    This map is actually pretty good. Liked the idea of a kinda ruins theme into the map. The spawnings of the humans and the zombies are pretty good also I liked the teleporters in the main spawns of the zombies. I think I have one problem, not a major one. I think the amount of weapons you put on is little too many. Removing a few weapons on the map will be better. It's just what I thinking of my point of view. You've done a great job of making this unique infection map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I like the idea of the map, and its fairly well made. But i agree with EpICx ReMiX XD you have a litte too many weapons, and i suggest removing some. And did you add an colour effect? besides that the map looks great, i will have an look on it in forge world.
  4. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Forerunner

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    Thanks, and I understand that there might seem like there are too many weapons but excluding pistols and ARs there are no weapons that have more than 1 clip so you have to constantly keep picking up new weapons to stay alive. I tried to make it as balanced as possible, and the power weapons became necessary after I added the custom power ups (500% health) to mix up the gameplay and prevent spawn camping. Thanks again :D
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Like I said before, I'll definitely make sure to play this map in my BIOC lobby next Sunday. I hope to see you around ;)
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like how you have made it a loose linear map because a complete linear map can get a bit annoying, it has an interesting layout. Also, your use of objects to help zombies choose a teleporter is a great idea.

    I don't see why you are using two one way shield doors when you can just use a shield door. It doesn't look clean and it acts up when you go slow through them. You could save a lot of money by just using the shield doors. There are too many weapons on the map. Survivors need to feel hard done by and under pressure. I would cut the weapons down to one or two weapons or one power weapon in each section of the map so the survivors feel like the weapons are more of a prize.

    However it looks like a really interesting map with some cool looking zombie spawns. You have without a doubt used the best form of spawning for the zombies. It makes it impossible for the survivors to camp which is why I used it for Pandora's Fear.
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think there are lots of weapons , but not too many spots to use the weapons to full potential. The map is dark, pretty open, and there's no back to the wall spots. So for those reasons. The weapon system will work.

    Edited by merge:

    He used one way shields for a reason. Because he has them spawn later on so that certain parts of the map are locked until the one ways spawn. It's cool. An interesting way of making timed doors that open. Gives me ideas for infection house maps. He he
    #7 PA1NTS, Feb 27, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012
  8. Charles Stoot

    Charles Stoot Forerunner

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    I like to see some pictures for the layout of this map. You don't have to post these pictures to the file share you just go into recent screen shots to view the pictures to took.
    It looks very complex though.
  9. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the input, I used the shield doors because you can't make objects disappear unless you're in invasion, right? I had to block off the next area and it seemed like the only reasonable option I had without changing the layout of the map (which I didn't want to do because I wanted it to be free roam and linear). I totally agree that the shield doors look sloppy and can affect gameplay :(

    There might seem like there are too many weapons but usually people have to stick to the AR because there is so little ammo anyway. I wanted it to feel like you had to keep picking up weapons as you went along and there was no ultimate weapon you could rely on the whole time. There are rockets and other power weapons but the zombies get the 500% health custom power up (2 per minute during the whole 4 minute round) so they are necessary. I have changed it a few times to make it as balanced as possible.

    Glad you like the spawning system :)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this and comment, it really helps. I will probably make a second version with less weapons and in future maps I'll try to avoid using shield doors.

    Edited by merge:

    I put screenshot links below the video, sorry I don't know how to post them on here to where they are visible :( any help?
    #9 oomishday3, Feb 27, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012
  10. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Check this out.
  11. zipperkiller5

    zipperkiller5 Forerunner

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    I really like how it looks and thanks for the heads up with the message it looks really nice and i will check it out.
  12. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great and ran great when I was walking through it. I'd bet its awesome to play with a full lobby. You have lots of weapons, which is really important in a infection map, but another key element is having lots of spots for different weapons, for example a simple jump that rewards the survivor with a good vantage point and a DMR. I loved the use of those one way shields. I could see a armory being closed off for the beginning of a round in a small indoor map, then after a minute the next shield spawns and you can enter the armory to pick up ammo or better weapons.

    Looking forward to seeing more infection maps by you.
  13. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    Nice map, I love the feel of it, you really captured the idea. It kinda reminds me of Portal, as in the second one, it was all run down, and ruined, like this map. I'm hosting a CG lobby later, I'll have to play this in it. If you want to join, go to the social groups, and go to the Custom Game Diehards at the top. Anyway, nice map, keep making Infection maps (And race maps)! :)
  14. Infection

    Infection Forerunner

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    Great work on the map and the Gametype. They both seem that the even out and also i like how the map progresses over time. It give that player more of a non-camping feeling and also you're not just in one area. I also like the area of the map, having it with multiple levels and with different colors in the map. overall, the map looks balanced with the custom power ups, and the different zombie classes.
  15. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hehe, I remember we played this in BIOC. I won the game. Nice Map.

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