Beacon Straits

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaq Cloud1, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    Map Name: Beacon Straits
    Canvas Map: Forge World
    Status: Complete
    Screen shots: Link
    Ideal Player Count: 8-10
    Supported Gametypes: All gametypes except Invasion, Race, mutli-team and infection.
    Best Game types: Slayer, CTF, Territories

    Description: Beacon Straits provides a reflection of the past made new again with modern game types and free flowing aesthetics. The picturesque scenery provides an awe inspiring back drop for any lethal team slayer or objective game.

    Other Notes:
    Team based spawns zones are in place to prevent spawn killing and trapping, while encouraging active game flow. Important items where highlighted with frames or placed throughtout natural paths to attract attention. Optimal Team sizes 4-5.


    * 2x Concussion Rifles(Team Only), 90s.
    * 2x Shotguns(FFA Only), 90s.
    * 1x Rocket Launcher 1 spare clip, (Team Only) 120s.
    * 2x Sniper Rifle 2 spare clip 100s
    * 2x Plasma pistols 30s
    * 1x Grenade Launchers, (FFA Only)120S
    * 5x DMRs 30s
    * 2x Magnums 30s
    * 2x Needle Rifles 30s
    * 2x Needlers 30s
    * 2x Spikers 30s

    Budget Remaining: $3055
    Power Ups on map: No
    Overall performance: No performance issues reported. Grav-lifts work with minimal damage, unavoidable due to reach's fall damage system.
    Split Screen Framerate Rating: Should be stable, further testing on split-screen needed.






    Additional Screen Shots: Link

    Download and Enjoy
    #1 Blaq Cloud1, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  2. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yet another Narrows remake...

    Regardless this looks decent. It has an overall clean look to it. I can tell the frame rate is really good by the pics. You could maybe stop players taking damage on the lifts by adding a block which they slide down as they land. Might work :/
  3. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback i'm sure you'll have fun.

    Please note that no where in my write up did I claim this to be a remake. Difference being, I didn't try to remake narrows, I just made a map similar in design, aesthetics and game play, staying within the reach engine limits. The mechanics in reach are far too different to make an exact replica of H3 narrows. So I made a fun reach map which reminds you of an awesome older map.
    #3 Blaq Cloud1, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  4. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

    Likes Received:
    Narrows.... The first thing is thought when i saw this map.
    But as i see it isnt a remake, it must be inspired by the real map Narrows, because it looks very much like it.

    I can tell there must be an difference in mechanics and such, but it looks like an very solid map, intresting... il will DL, and maybe play a game on it.
    At least getting an view on the map in Forge World.
  5. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

    Likes Received:

    *Fixed game specific weapon labels
    *Added a neutral shotgun 90s (team only).
    #5 Blaq Cloud1, Feb 23, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  6. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Well, the influence from Narrows was obvious, but you pulled it off very well. You've tested framerate, split-screen, and multiple playtests? Wow, the noobs grow up so fast. :') This is a great map.
  7. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hate to burst your bubble, BC, but just because it is not scaled to the original proportions does not mean that it is not a remake. You say you wanted to make a map similar in design and gameplay, yet your practically remade Narrows. Everything from the original map is here, the man cannons, top and bottom mid, the snipe perches, the tac jumps etc.

    It is okay to remake a map dude. It is a fun project to work on and you always have something to reference to. My only problem is that it seems you refuse to lend credit where it is due. Is it inspired by a certain map? Say so. Is it a remake, scaled to original or not, of a certain map? Then simply say so. Honestly, I would fess up to the latter...

    The forging seems fairly clean, and the aesthetics are definitely there. It's not gray all over, and you seemed to have color-orientated the map well. There is not obvious z-fighting, and it looks like you have use your objects very efficiently, which shows that it was well thought out and not rushed.

    Personally, I am not in favor of having FFA or TEAM ONLY weapons. It is inconsistent. Also, I hate the Concussion Rifle, hate hate hate. I guess it must be fun to blow another player off the map while they are left powerless to do a thing about it.

    I've been offline for a while, and would like to get a game on this with you and the others. Hit me up sometime man. Also, I misspelled your map's name as Bacon Straights. I like it better.

    You are one to talk. You run around the forums only ever commenting 'Great map' on almost every thread just to get your post count up. Why is it such a big deal if someone tests for framerate and split-screen compatibility anyway? Shouldn't every forger run tests on their maps before they post them?
  8. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    I disagree with this statement. I can see a lot of objects that could cause frame drops, such as the bridge, xl on bottom, the railings, the glass sails, and the many walkway covers in each base. All of these pieces have lights on them (and some have transparent glass) so if you ever do encounter problems with framerate drops, these should be the first objects to go. That said, I find it highly unlikely that there are absolutely no framerate issues on this map, especially looking down the longer lines of site. I would get a full game of 4v4 going and really check every sight line.

    Aside from that, I can't really say much about the map. I don't see any glaring problems with the layout, but since it's essentially a remake of a tried-and-true Halo 3 favorite, there wasn't exactly any risk of failure.

    Edit: Nooch is right, you really ought to just flat out credit Narrows and call this a remake or at least say it was heavily inspired by it.
    #8 UnfrozenLynx, Feb 25, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  9. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I recently checked out 'BACON Straights' in forge and a custom game by myself. Sorry again, Cloud, but I gotta retract my previous statements about z-fighting and object efficiency. There is a good amount of z-fighting and your object choice was inconsistent throughout the map. You also used a lot of object that include lights; railings, large walkway covers, glass sails etc, and this will contribute to framerate loss.

    You did say that the map's framerate held up in-game though and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Should you decide to clean the map up a bit, then try to replace some of the objects with lights with objects without lights. Also, I would try to be very selective about the objects used, and not throw down a piece simply because it fits.
  10. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BC previously made a narrows remake that was pretty much pixel perfect but had some pretty nasty performance issues.

    In this version, he has made the map fit the blocks rather than trying to make the blocks fit the map. The resulting object efficiency has improved performance MASSIVELY at the expense of compromising the original dimensions of the map somewhat. A good trade off in my opinion. I'm sure you could make the design even more efficient however.

    Agree with Nooch. You should deffo post this as a remake, even though it is not an exact remake. The game play is virtually identical after all.
    #10 Gazzaverage, Feb 25, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  11. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback Nooooch. As you just saw in the custom we did, you noticed that there was no presence of any lag or frame rate in gameplay.

    Unfortunately swapping out the 5x1 and railings long cann't be done without increasing object count. The battle against frame rate is like Golf. "Complete the course in the least amount of shots possible," Which I feel I have successfully done.

    Yes there are objects on the maps which have lights and glass, however if you actually pay close attention very few of the lights are facing the field of play, thus eliminating the lights as a factor for any frame rate.

    If it make you happier to say it, I will: "remake". There I hope you guys can sleep better now. ;)
    #11 Blaq Cloud1, Feb 25, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  12. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    I'll take your word on the lack of any frame rate issues, but I would like to let you know for future projects that, regardless of the direction a piece with lights is facing, the frame rate problems they can cause are still present at full effect.

    Absolutely anything that light hits and bounces off of will have to be rendered as such, even if the light is hitting polygons that aren't visible to the player. Any kind of render will compute every face and polygon in the scene, even those that aren't visible from the camera- if it's there, it has to be rendered. In Forge it is no different; if you can see the tiniest corner of an object, the whole thing is rendered lights and all.

    So, for example, all of your walkway covers that have their lights facing inward toward each other. The player never sees these, but the engine still has to render the entire walkway cover, inside and out, plus the 4 lights that are all bouncing off the other walkway covers forming the pillar.

    Sorry if I got a little long-winded, but again, this is just for your future reference when designing a map. Cheers.
  13. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Quoted for truth. It doesn't matter whether or not they actually cast light on an object. I is still being rendered.

    Also, another thing to think about is that players activate lights as they walk by them. This means you could have players activating different objects with lights around the map at any given time. This may appear to be a seemingly random frame rate drop, which may be confused with object density or something else, when really too many lights are being activated at once across your map.

    Lastly, there were only 3 players on the map while we were playing BC. While I still take your word on lack of frame rate issues with a full 8 player party, the 3 player FFA doesn't prove to me that there are no frame rate issues.
  14. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to disagree with you on this blaq, when we played 5v5 the framerate drops were scattered across the map. most of it was in the far back corners where you can see straight across. near the middle it was actually very minor but the FR in the each corner of the map was definately game-breaking. maybe these are issues you have already taken care of but that was my immediate first impression. I suggest working on an updated version.
  15. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    Thank you for the feedback. But i would have to strongly disagree with your post.

    The initial test of this map @ TNT was a poorly hosted game with network lag throughout the entire game (which I think is what you were referring to). No further frame rate issues have been reported in subsequent tests on 6v6 in every game type, and most definitely nothing game changing. Minimal on two player split screen when looking at the explosions and canon men animations.

    You are more than welcome to test again on your own host and draft a second opinion.

    Edited by merge:


    *Split-screen slim down, removed alot of items which contributed to reported frame. FR single player: A+ two player split: A-. Remaining budget was 1205, now 2750.

    *increased sniper respawn time to 150s

    *Screen shots will be updated shortly

    Thank you for the feedback. But i would have to strongly disagree with your post.

    The initial test of this map @ TNT was a poorly hosted game with network lag throughout the entire game (which I think is what you were referring to). No further frame rate issues have been reported in subsequent tests on 6v6 in every game type, and most definitely nothing game changing. Minimal on two player split screen when looking at the explosions and canon men animations.

    You are more than welcome to test again on your own host and draft a second opinion.

    Edited by merge:


    *Split-screen slim down, removed alot of items which contributed to reported frame. FR single player: A+ two player split: A-. Remaining budget was 1205, now 2750.

    *increased sniper respawn time to 150s

    *Screen shots will be updated shortly

    Edited by merge:

    Split-screen testing this has been give a passing grade during tests we've ran. The map is a ton of fun. The Grav lifts even work.
    #15 Blaq Cloud1, Mar 9, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012

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