Hurricane Brawl Halo; but twisted - Turn up you look sensitivity for this one. Download Map Download Gametype Jump into the hurricane with a gravity hammer and a brute shot as your tools of survival. You and your friends (or enemies) fight in a circular arena to the death. The game is extremely high paced, step out or jump into the current of man cannons aligned in a circle to baffle you foe and assasinate them or just wear them down with the brutes favorite weapons. Heres a look at the outside, you you would never see this normaly. And here is the layout from the inside. Here is where you spawn, with a shield door so no shooting, but from the outside the fusioncoils are vulnerable, resulting in the pic to the right. A gap in the center makes everyone visible, all the time. And heres some photos: How did you like the map? Have any Questions? How do you like the shitbag who just posted? Have and idea for the next version? "Same thing I do every version pinkie, try to take over the world!" - The Brain Comment
umm u got a serious problem, i can c uve put all the code in, but i think those spaces screwed it up or somethin idk. change it b4 people flood ur thread with these posts......... also load the pics to photobucket or imageshack, not bungie
You can not link to screenshots... It just doesn't work. Especially seeing how you're not even linking to pictures. If they were images you would see .jpg or .png or .gif whatever else, and you can't see them in those links... You need to download the images, full size, to your computer. Then after that upload the images to a host site like and link the images from the host site. Please read the How To Post Your Map thread, before you do exactly that.