Your very own Firefly class ship, all you need now is a crew. I would say "you can't take the sky from me" but theirs a ceiling, so how about "You can't stop the signal!" I've always wanted my own firefly and i tried to stay true to the show, I even have the two shuttles,the Mule and ATV, I've even tried to recreate the inside, but your limited trying to bring two universes together. Right now she's not design for any gametypes, Slayer, CTF and Infection/Reavers would be fun though. I hope you all enjoy, now on with the pics.
The exterior looks great, and I especially like what you did with the cockpit. I wish that there were more pics of the interior (assuming it's there). I really like how your ship turned out, it's just... frustrating to admit how well you did, working on one myself. But I was beaten to the punch, and I give credit where it's due. Great job, sir.
Theirs more to the inside, sorry about lack of pics. I think I might have to make a seperate map for the inside to make it right, Halo is very bulky on pieces so its hard fitting everything inside, but it was fun to make, I'm thinking of making a Reaver game type, but school comes first. So not sure when I'll get to that.
Dammit, you beat me to the punch. I'll admit I was working from the inside out so I have a pretty good interior but the outside like you said due to the peices is a little clunky. She's beautiful. I'm only sad you beat me to her. Downloaded for certain.
It definitely looks good from the outside, but I'm quite skeptical about how accurate the interior is as your version is only about half the size of the "real" Serenity. I am about to start work on a full interior map of the ship myself that will not have any outside excess. From my experience building Star Wars ships (Millennium Falcon, Ebon Hawk, ATAT, and A6 Juggernaut) I know the game does not have enough credits to do the full Serenity at the right scale. My ATAT and A6 Juggernaut are both full exterior/interior maps, but the detail within both is limited. My Millennium Falcon and Ebon Hawk, however, are interior maps only with little exterior aesthetics (only what can be seen from the cockpits), but the interiors of these maps are quite detailed. I give you credit for beating me to the punch on putting Serenity into the game, so I congratulate you on that. I didn't think anyone would have done it yet, but I'm more positive that no one has yet to do it the way I intend to Edit: I guess I completely spaced on the fact that I plan on having a slight exterior access as I will have Serenity hovering in mid-air with the docking bay open. Watch your step!
Good remake 7ime but I'm going to have to say it does make me feel skeptical at best because it feels a bit too small for the enterior, have you looked at Lazer X7's Firefly: You may get some valuable forge advice from his design but your model looks good just feels to small. You may need to make it a bit bigger.
This map looks really great! Best looking one I've seen so far. I just finished a version of the interior only, It's not perfect, but I did what I could. I don't think it's possible to make the interior and exterior both look perfect trying to make this map, though...I had about no pieces left after I finished mine. It's up in casual maps if you wanna take a look.