SHRUB Hello Sorry for last nite, was too lazy to write a good discription, so here's a little more on shrub: the goal: I decided to take a break on impound since it was driving me nuts, nd work on a 2v2 map. I figured it would be a good chance to show of some of my asthetic forging while still keeping a clean screen lag free forge. I love using the purple fx, nd figured making a whole map based around it. Alot of people seem to like to use purple with yellow, or another color, but I tried to give the whole map a purple/violet look to it. The map is small, symmetrical, and fast paced. the game type: 1st to 25. I used a ZB setting for 2v2. I like how it works with 2v2 nd here's why: with zb different weapons can see more usefull roles example: needle rifle and pistol become much more powerful weapons. I wanted to base the entire weapon list on the map to suit that. Simple weapons that are far from broken, but still great in the gametype, forcing people to move around nd collect. since LoS has been cut off in alot of places the map can stay small and still have no spawn killing and actualy lead to some stradgetic movement to find your opponent after each spawn. There are a few key jumps to the map that make things easier. It usualy takes someone 1-2 mins to figure out the map like the back of there hand, wich is a good thing, since simplicity was a goal here. Also since the map is so small qcc and quick pistol are common, but not always happening, there are a few places with good LoS for Dmr battles as well. here are some pics: ^ this is the main jump of the map. The middle hanging platform, top mid. ^here is one of the main bases. symetrical, so both on both sides are the same. side of map ramps the leap of faith one jump... ..2 jump rock on opposite side. Ars/Dmrs 2 in each base. pistol Weapon List: x1 pistol 3sc 110sec (with zb hella fast killz) x2 needle riffles 0sc 85sec (much more fun with zb then normal bloom) x2 plasma grenades 30sec x2 frags 30sec x2 health packs 45sec x2 dmr x2 ar simple, symmetrical, fun, fast. download please thanx for checking out my map, if there is any feedback or suggestions you have please share (changed gametype to 2v2, still zb, but map works ok well with 1v1, 2v2 works much better, give a try, nd sorry for changing my mind last second like this, but i kinda had 2v2 thrown in my face by a friend a few times, nd somthing made it for me last time we tried it out again)
Looks like a good map. I really like the middle platform it looks great especially with the flag stand chain. One thing I would recommend is to maybe make the cover piece in pic 2 look like it is ment to be there because right now it looks a little random. Overall great map Edit: first view oh ya
thanx bullet2thehead, glad u liked the flag stand chain lol let me know how the map played for you whenever u get the chance
The middle hanging platform reminds me of the map in H2 I believe, what reflection is based off. The purple seems fitting with the purple light(that's actually pink), I like.
acutaly never played halo 2 :/ although I did google it, didn't notice somthing hanging. actualy got the idea from a friend watching me forge i was hanging railing from the cieling originaly for a path, he sugested a platform/bridge nd it worked and played way better. Nd yea that light is pink lol but mixed with the blue light in there and it looks more purple-ish. nd thanx for checking out
This map is nice enough, I would remove the lighting filters. The flagpoles as suspension cables for the main platform is very creative. Awesome map.
This is very pretty, and the map seems nice though It is hard to tell through screenshots. How is lag on here? I cant imagine any in the more outside areas, though near the light I could imagine some. the 2x1 flats seem a wee bit out of place texturally though.
Thanx guys, nd fr is fine unless u play splitscreen. The 2x1smap are just to reflect some light, nd since they are near the glassy needle riffle area didn't seem too out of place at the time, but can see how from the rite angles it can look random. Also had railing there at 1st, but the 2x1s leave a few hailines less of los to bottom mid