Back-2-Back Exterminations! - YouTube colour correction Motion blur Camera shakes Flashes Enhanced audio of sniper shots Audio muffle
Thats actually pretty damn good. Just a bit more practice and i could see some good Montages coming out of you. EDIT: I don't like the color correction on it though.
Yeah I wasnt sure about that either, but alot of montage makers make it darker so I gave it ago. I think i'll make it brighter next time.
That's pretty damn good. Seems to me like you've got the hang of vegas. Also Break'n a Sweat is awesome.
I've replayed the video about a dozen times now, it's good! I wasn't such a huge fan of the transition between 0:18-0:20, I get what what you were doing and it worked pretty well with the music (I don't know if you know this, but another way this sort of thing could be used is right after a nearby explosion of some sort to emulate the ringing in your ears after a loud noise), especially muffled but i'm sort of ehh towards it. Another suggestion I could make is that at 0:29 IMO the video should be playing at normal speed after the 3rd guy's been killed, and then maybe when the 4th guy is being killed for the extermination you should've slowed the video down there. Besides that I wasn't a fan of the color correction, but still nice editing overall.
I have a bout 3 years of editing experience under my belt, and this, as a first attempt is really good. The color correction is off though. When adding color correction, you usually dont want to get too crazy with the colors (unless that's what your going for). You want to add just enough color to the clip so it looks like it does when your playing the game, so the viewer doesn't notice that you have done anything at all. Keep editing, eventually you'll grow out of Vegas, and into After effects, where things get really fun!
Syncing was damn near perfect which I liked but, color correction was horrible, sorry. It's just something where you either get it right, or its horribly wrong. Try to only edit levels and maybe a tad bit of curves next time. Also, <3 break'n a sweat.