Play one of Halo: 3's awesome sword fighting maps EVER. (But wait! There's more!) The map "Pit of Death" was a remake of an old Halo 3 map that was based on aesthetics, to show the scene in Star Wars I, where Obi Wan fought Darth Maul. However, this is not the case. In this custom map, you are able to play 4 Gametypes. Headhunter, King of the Hill, Oddball, and of course, Slayer. Slayer: Slayer is a basic gametype that allows numerous people to a one-on-one match, or get overruled by a couple of enemies. Players are on a lone wolf status, making the game FFA. Although all gametypes are FFA, some players may have the choice to team up against other players. This increases game diffuculty, as well as a hint of cheapness. Slayer is also the game's default gametype. Since this is so, many players can have fun without having to fear that they need to win only by completing the objective, but just to kill as much people as they can before someone reaches 100 kills. [SF] Slayer Recap: ~PROS~ -Can hold any number of people from 2 to 16 -Fun and clear -No stress over an objective (despite survival) ~CONS~ -Enemies can easily "Team Up" -May get long and repedative Bottom Line-Recommended 2-16 players >Gameplay< {Link} {Provided in the custom gametype link above} King of the Hill: Like most "King of the Hill" games, this gametype gives players the authority to kill while holding off their own in a selected area. King of the Hill may sound easy, but actually really complicated. In most cases, large groups of people are crowded around the hills, granting almost no one to get points since it always a "no mans land" territory. Also, lots of players can get killed easily from the transfer of people from one hill to the next. Smart players think of waiting for a hill to spawn, rather than charging a pile of enemies. This increases their chance of getting the win, plus getting numerous kills without going to an all-out warzone. [SF] KOTH Recap: ~PROS~ -Gametype has more than 1 objective to do in game -Allows players to strategize than just kill ~CONS~ -Hills become warzones -Rush between one hill and the next -Players gain less points Bottom Line-Recommended 4-10 players >Gameplay<. {Link} {} Oddball: In oddball, players have the chance to become something else other than "A spartan with a sword". In this case, players can get the chance to have the oddball. Like in any other game, grabbing the oddball allows the players to gain points while holding off the enemies. The problem is, there may be TOO many enemies. If players get lucky, they may have a small duration to get a couple of points until they are overrun by other players. Nonetheless, The game is basically like King of the Hill, except with a mobile hill that you can kill other players with. [SF] Oddball Recap: ~PROS~ -Allows players to be something else -Gametype has more than 1 objective to do in game -Allows players to strategize than just kill ~CONS~ -Oddball is constantly in possession -Rush after Oddball -Players get less points Bottom Line-Recommended 4-10 players >Gameplay< {Link} {} Headhunter: In headhunter, players get a physical value of getting kills. For instance, the amount of skulls dropped by the player killed. With increasing difficulty, players must choose to decide to hold off enemies and gain more skulls with or without immediately scoring the skulls. In order to score the carried skulls, players must travel from their location to the center of the pit, which a static score zone. In this case, many players can have fun killing, but also have the priority of collecting and scoring skulls. This may be less crowded than KOTH or Oddball, since players can gain skulls from anyone in the map. [SF] Headhunter Recap: ~PROS~ -More difficult than slayer -Gain skulls for points after a kill -Less crowded areas ~CONS~ -Difficult to score points depending on location Bottom Line-Recommended 2-16 players >Gameplay< {Link} {Broken gametype, needs fixing} It took a while to make the map, and somewhat a little extra with the gametypes. Hope you guys enjoy this I'd also like to thank my friend Shuffler957 for helping me make the screenshots and putting the gametypes on his fileshare. Don't hate, appreciate.
This game type reminds me of my game type happy ninjas. Though my game type has no set map it has swords and a hammer. I am Wondering if you are faster and can jump higher for this game type.
This reminds me of something I can make in 10 minutes then have games split screen with my younger siblings. Besides being horrific looking, gameplay doesn't seem that bad, because it's basic.
Despite it being released 2 years after release date, this map was made sometime in 2010. I haven't learned how to forge with the new materials. Sorry.