Up-Close Action Created by x assassin54 x Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Map Description This is a map I had thought up one day. Its a really close-quarters map. There are two shotguns and a sword. then everyone has assault rifles. The map itself it floating in the air and it looks much cooler that way. also i did alot of merging and put the boxes upside down so it gives it a 'softer' look. Well i heop you guys enjoy it ^^ _________________________________________________ Blue Side Right Hallway Blue Side Left Hallway Blue Side Shotgun Room Red Right Side Hallway Red Left Side Hallway Red Side Shotgun Room Sword [spawns in middle] _________________________________________________ Well its not the greatest map i've made, it is a little old. But tell me what you think of it and if it needs improving. Okay thanks. Download Up-Close Action Gametype:Team Slayer
Well from the screens I can tell pretty much nothing about this map except for the fact that there is a hallway, and thus I won't really want to download unless you can show more in the screens. Otherwise, I can see you interlocked, and things look straight, so I am optimistic that this map is good.
Alright! Sorry it took me so long to reply (this may be a dead thread now), but I finally remembered to do it! The gameplay on this is great, and I was just doing Slayer. Question: Is there a certain gameplay for this map? Anyways, It was a fun map with regenerative grenades, battle rifle starting weapons, and free-for-all slayer. I'm guessing this map is for 1v1 and 2v2? Because the respawn points are easily camped with 3 people FFA. I strongly suggest you DL this map and give it a go. ^^
Metroshell thanks alot. Aclopolipse ill try to get some new screenies on tonight before the legendary pack release. And Metroshell there is no CERTAIN gamtype for it but yes i meant it to be 1v1 or 2v2.
Looks pretty clean and well put together, but probably to small for my tastes. I'm still gonna check it out though....