Map: Knightmare v1.7 Knightmare consist of a 2 layer map with 4 jump areas crisscross pattern. As seen here in the over view shot The map itself supports up to 16 players recommended 8 minimum. Gametypes supported: CTF Slayer SWAT Juggernaut Assault KOTH Weapons: 1x Rocket 1x Sniper rifle 1x Needler Rifle 4x Assualt rifles 2x DMR 2x Magnum 1x Needler 2x Plasma pistols 2x Plasma Repeater 2x Plasma rifle Screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Changes in v1.7 -Added gametypes Assault & KOTH -Fixed spawn issue -added more bunker style areas. -added Game type assault. -added different architecture. Map: Knightmare v1.7 [COLOR="Yellow"]Knightmare map video[/COLOR] Enjoy my 52nd map Knightmare
Well I can see why this is your 52nd, the whole map is extremely choppy from what I can see from the screenshots. It looks like you just threw everything together free-hand in 30 minutes. The entire map looks off-centre and mis-matched. The aesthetics look mangled and... dirty. I kind of have a pre-determined hate against using stuff like crates and sandbags, it just seems so un-creative to me. Now that I got that off my chest, on to the good stuff. and believe me, there definately is some good stuff. You have an interesting concept here, the map layout is pretty different, and has a lot of potential. Im not sure if you've playtested this or not, but I bet it played well (if it doesn't have endless flamerate rag from the lights and billions of objects). I bet with some architectural and aesthetic clean up this map would go places. tl;dr the map is a good idea and probably plays well, which is the important part. But the map looks pretty bad, sorry, but its just really choppy. First thing I'd do is take the lights off and never put them on any other map ever again . That'll help flamerate right away. Next I'd take out some of the pieces and just be more economic with them. If you used less pieces it would probably end up looking better anyway, just cleaner. If you want some help I'd be happy to give you a hand, add me up on XBL if you want, GT: v clinical v [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, how do you expect to fit 16 people on this?
no frame rate issues. In fact I have never once had a frame rate issue on a map. If your experiencing frame rate issues perhaps you should get your xbox 360 serviced or buy a xbox 360 slim. Your hate for items that add color to the map and are unique is well noted but alas I like it. Lights... laugh they stay. Choppy dunno never heard of it being choppy before. It has a great flow and seems smooth to me and all the people who have been play testing. Fits 16 players very well. Its actually pretty big you might not get that from the pictures. Lastly yes it does play well and Ill have a video up soon.
honestly, I gatta agree with clinical with this. and he's not saying it's choppy bc the flow isn't smooth... there's alot of work that can be done to the map, one thing would be to use more cover outside, seems runners would fall back into the round bunkers nd camp, regain shield there, wich would be agrrivating. the sniper ramps are pointless, maybe replacing with different incline or custom incline and leading them to some sort of structer in the more empty spots, maybe with other alternitive paths since the only main paths you have sort of just bottle-neck into the middle. the 2x2 flats also make lousy roofs. nd the random scenery everywhere won't make up for the empty-ness nd don't look too nice :/ work on it, u know u could make this better if u spent the time most likely.
I have a slim, and some of my simplest maps have had the lights removed because of FRL... That's good it doesn't have any though! No no, i'm sure it plays awesome, I mean choppy aesthetically. It looks like you threw whatever is easiest wherever it seemed like it needed it. Just tryin to say the map could look a lot cleaner. If you just took a little more time and put some good creative thought into actually making some of the things yourself, instead of just throwing down barriers and such, the map would look a lot better. And I'm still a little skeptical about getting 16 people on here... I'd like to see a full gameplay video
sorry thought i posted this in a competitive forum not the aesthetic forum. The map is made for game play not looks. All thou it still has a nice feel and look to it.
that's why I gave you all the props for gameplay, and that's why gameplay>aesthetics I'm just saying it would be better overall if it was cleaner... that's all.
But the game play looks like it would be bad too. + we know gameplay>asthetics, but it don't mean some1 is gana play on an eyesoar
and that's your thoughts, I for one think It would play pretty good, but would just feel better and be more fun if the aesthetics were reworked
Here is some new screenshots of the upcoming changes. new changes coming tonight after game test. -Fixed spawn issue -added more bunker style areas. -added Game type assault. -added different architecture.
Well its a small step reaper, but those custom bunkers look pretty damn nice. I would love to see how u improve the asthetics of the map improve over time
sorry I move from map to map each week and usually dont improve them too much unless theres drastic change involved and needed. In this case my group loved the map. Edited by merge: New Map version is out 1.7 changes added new game types assault & KOTH fixed spawning issues changed some layout added more aesthetics