Colony Infection Map

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SilentSlayer, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. SilentSlayer

    SilentSlayer Forerunner

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    This is my first map that i have submitted on Forgehub and it wont be my last. This map is a work in progress, that i only started this week, but will continue to edit until its at a point that i like.
    The map was going to be an invasion map but i decided that it would be a lot better and easier to make an infection map.
    The map is not over powered and there isn't one point that humans can camp at, but if you do however find faults in the map please let me know. This map is design to be fun for both human and zombie player, so i hope i have achieved this for my first serious map.
    Please give me feedback on what you think.
    Also I am looking to build up a team to help me test maps, if you are interested please send me a friend requested but also let me know that you want to be a tester so i can keep a record of who my map testers are. You will also be featured in game play video that i will place on youtube.

    My gamer tag is Silent5layer18
    Let me know who are from Forge hub and wanna be a tester.





    Enjoy the map and keep Halo alive :D
    #1 SilentSlayer, Feb 25, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  2. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Ok, sounds intresting, but if you could enlarge the pictures and add some more i could get an good look of the map. I can,t see much now.

    We will keep halo alive, dont you worry :)
  3. SilentSlayer

    SilentSlayer Forerunner

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    I'm going to be editing the map sometime this week so when i'm happy i'll put a lot more up.
  4. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    I'd love to help test your map. Infection is my favorite gametype, so that works out, haha. My GT is Darknessdays6, send me an invite or something over XBL. Also, my mic is broken( D; ), so if you have Skype, I can talk through my laptop.
  5. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
    Senior Member

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    If it's a 'work in progress' it probably shouldn't be posted in the maps section. Only finalised maps go here, you should contact a purple guy to get it moved to the Forge Discussion.
  6. Charles Stoot

    Charles Stoot Forerunner

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    This Map is in the same location of one of my maps that is in the making "Subvine". I think you use the space quiet well considering that there is very little room from wall to wall in that section of the canyon.

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