I love panoramas. They are literally my favorite form of photography. You've captured this excellently, and I only notice one blurred splice on the right, right above the yacht. But that is just a minor detail. Great work! Take more!
Nice shot. Composition = Great - Nice location to snap the shot from Splice = Smooth - I don't see where the pictures come together - Did you take this with a panoramic setting on your camera, or is it two images spliced? Lighting = This is where you could have made the shot a little better. Because it appears that the light source is directly in front of you, the colors and detail of the foreground are lost. Everything is very dark towards the front of the shot. The fisherman and the men on the dock are lost in silhouette and the trees are nearly black. You could probably take the same exact shot with the sun somewhat behind you and it would turn out a lot better. Edit: I just noticed that you can see the same plane twice in the shot towards the center right of the image. It moved a little in the sky in between shots. Or if that's actually two planes, air traffic control sucks in Sydney.
From my own experience I would bet that's 6+ vertical shots. While I do agree with this suggestion in this scenario, overall silhouette shots are not necessarily a bad thing, it just requires the subject matter to be organized in a different manner. This shot would definitely be better with the sun in a different location, though.
Thought it said Spidey Paranorma. I am disappoint. I'm not much in the way of photography. In fact...What makes it a paranorma?