A Bridge Too Far Hello & welcome to a quick preview This is not a remake and I am aware of the Battlefield 2 map a bridge too far/Back to karkand in 3. But saying that this was designed with a map in mind. Mirrored symmetrical map, themed around the 3 bridges in the map. The map has 2 main levels, also the water is accessable under tunnels. The buildings used work quite well as it is mirrored. I didn't want to use buildings but the ones used work well and look better than what I could forge considering budget. The other 2 story buildings may be changed if any problems come up, but they flow well and follow the lines of map and structure. The lower level is very similar to the above level, by using long pieces and following lines down to keep piece usage as efficient as possible. Around 3000 budget left to decorate rooms and improve cover and layout. Also I will be adding 2 ladders out of the water between the bridges unless I can think of a better way to make the bottom flow. I will have this ready for testing shortly, and will update pictures as I improve. Thanks for looking
Bridges I really like the architecture on those bridges. They look great from underneath as well. Reminds me of canals in Venice or Amsterdam. The layout looks balanced and unique. The area under the bridges should definitely be used in gameplay. It's hard to see how you would get up and down from the lower level. Ladders would get it done, but if you've got that much cash left, I would spend it on building out those cool looking water filled tunnels into a ramped way up and down on both sides.
I love the bridges. It'd be really cool if you could somehow go down there. Some sort of narrow sewer path or something that went under the bridges would let players see the cool design up close and provide and alternate path. Just an idea. Great stuff, as usual my friend!
Thanks, I like the bridges and idea but I thought it looked cluttered and no uniform to look, but I have improved much and it feels closer to a map now. Budget wise I'm streched as weapons still need to go down. But I have much of layout and cover down. The tunnels are walk-able with col wall in water and two ladders up. I originally had curved walls leading out of tunnel but it didn't look right. Appreciate the comments and feedback [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, the bridges are where map began with an idea in mind. It turned out a little higher than I anticipated, I may have to lower map to fix the issue although the ladders work and there is some cover down there. It would be good to make more paths down the bottom going up but it can be difficult with col walls as flooring. appreciate the comments, had almost given up on this ....thanks
this could be more competitive than some of your latest slayer maps. It would be hard to say, I would need to take a closer look. I will be honest I wasn't impressed with some of your latest maps gameplay wise. This on the other hand looks like it could be promising, I need to get a closer look at it later and I will have some feedback tonight.
Not much I can say for now, but I think you should add a little bit more to the top level, specifically in the left of the birds' eye view. It looks a bit empty there, but otherwise not bad!
^ this. Also, I would love to see some other flooring. I loathe coli floors. The map looks to be interesting with 3 bridges, are they at different heights? Hard to tell.
If you had upscaled it and made the side bridges curved, like a bridge, diagonal, then this could be a great btb map. Also, you should think of remaking this map for a race.