Locked Up

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by OrionHardy, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. OrionHardy

    OrionHardy Forerunner

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    Map Description

    Locked Up is a map built within the Coliseum, it is meant to be a fighting ground for prisoners. Map has multiple levels and has a airship hovering outside the coliseum window. There are two teleporters located on the map that teleports into the inside of the airship which contains the rocket launcher. There is a soft safe zone on the map, which the airship is located outside of so you have 10 seconds to get the rocket launcher and get out.

    Map is set up to work for all Colour teams, though only Red and Blue for larger teams.

    Map is partially mirror symmetrical, meaning it's the same on both sides but flipped so red and blue are in opposite corners with the teleporters in the two remaining corners.

    [​IMG] This an overlook of the map from above red base, the blue light in the opposite corner showing where blue base is.

    View of the map looking towards the window with the airship outside. Teleporters are located under the towers in the opposite corners to red and blue base.

    The Airship, thank you to The Halo Forge Epidemic for there guides, which help me build this, before hand it was just two bunker boxers floating in mid air, which looked silly.

    This is the room inside of the airship, where the rocket launcher can be found. There is a teleporter on each side leading back into the coliseum. It is possible to get the Rocket launcher and get back out within 4-5 seconds leaving you plenty of time.

    Thank you to all that play, hope you enjoy it.
  2. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    This map looks pretty amazing. Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for making it compatible with almost all of the gametypes. Obviously race and invasion aren't always easy to do with slayer maps. Well done!
  3. Shforteenteen14

    Shforteenteen14 Forerunner

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    This looks like a good map. I normally dislike maps in the coliseum as they tend to lack inspiration and originality. Try to come up with a theme or some kind of central landmark people will remember and recognize (A tower, and crane, a grassy pit).

    Your map also features a lot of bridges... you want to try and avoid those. 2 blocks wide is generally considered a narrow choke path as there's not a lot of room to dodge grenades and such. The lower area also seems to be severely lacking in cover; The upper level has a massive advantage over it which means Jetpack will become very OP on the map.

    As for the space ship in the backround... It definetly makes the map more intersting, but it seems a tad gimmicky. I'd have to play it a bit to see. I'd reccomend a hard safe zone around the map as well as the airship, with a soft kill around the ship. That way if someone spawns in the cayon or something, they die instantly instead of waiting for 10 seconds.

    Overall, this is a good map. The forging is very clean, I didn't see any bumps and it all looks level and even. It just lacks inspiration.
  4. Crimson Phoenix

    Crimson Phoenix Forerunner

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    In my opinion I think this is a solid map, although there is not much space and you constantly have to walk around on platforms to get around. I feel that the map shld be placed on the ground and the buildings and structures should be placed evenly around the map because they take up too much space. The limited space seems like a problem here. Other than that it's solid.

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