STATUE OF ZEUS AT OLYMPIA This is my first aesthetics map on Forge Hub and it is going to be my post for Wonders of the World 2 comp. I ran out of stuff so only 99% finished but you can't tell too much. Look at this in forge from slight distance for best effect, hope you like.
Hahaha, this is so ****ing cool. I have to download it. The eyes are alittle creepy, though. Goodluck in the contest man.
Looks pretty cool. I like the detail you put in the hair. But, this was made pretty quick...does it have a creation date of February 1st or later?
Eightball - Thanks for comments and I may need some luck cos I know theres a lot of great forgers out there. Skisma - I built this in the last 5 days but i had some long sessions because i am busy next week and wont have time for forging.
Is the Statue of Zeus a wonder of the world? This is some good work. I love the simplicity and how you did the beard. The seastacks were an excellent choice to go with. I'll also be downloading this.
basketskate3 - Because this was a big build I knew I wouldn't be able to put massive detail everywhere so I just concentrated on key points and kept the rest nice and tidy. The Statue of Zeus is a wonder of the world but I did have to check again after your post to make sure, I was worried for a min lol. Thanks for your comments.
Nice! Well done indeed sir! I love the beard... I have a hunch it took you a while to get everything just right and the aesthetics are pretty sweet. Hope you get the wonders of the world win!
It took me a while to get the face right because that was the key piece to this build, after that it wasn't too bad. Thanks for your good comments and i really like your Oblivion map, its very nice. If they don't let you post it in this WoW2 comp then maybe something like that would be a good idea for another comp, town or region from another game instead of a multiplayer map. Nice work.
Shik - The Medusa is a great idea, never thought of that one. Its a shame there arent more rocks because that would be pretty sweet to build, possible with other stuff I suppose. The beard looks pretty good with those seastacks and I think thats what convinced me to stick with Zeus, thanks for your good feedback.
Got to love this! Seen it on the 7 wonders comp. Great job on the face... Looks really well crafted. Good luck with comp
Thanks Timmy, I got a feeling in the last few days of this comp some really awesome builds are going to be posted. I think you might post one of them yourself, I've seen those great maps you make.
I very much like how you did the beard and face to look so carved and natural. I think that's your strong point with this piece. As a whole, however, it just doesn't feel like a carved statue, it feels too manufactured. It's just so even, so stiff, so 90 degrees. It wasn't painstakingly carved by ancient peoples, it was created in a factory using precise machines. I think that's what is hurting you, and you should consider employing a more rugged feel in a piece that was orignally produced quite ruggedly. Good luck.
ConfuseFlamingo - I did really concentrate on the face as the main feature for this build then built the rest afterwards, if I had more stone textures on other pieces like in halo 3 this could have been so much better. Thanks for your feedback.