Basis has undergone some major changes since the last time this thread was updated. Hell, it didn't even have a name! I think it's nearly ready for a release sometime in the next couple weeks, pending further tests on objective game-types. A big shout-out to Xzamples- without his excellent feedback, this map just wouldn't be the same. Duck NG and Overdoziz were also very helpful in pushing this map's design further (though Overdoziz was generally quite vague with his feedback ). Overview View from inside of Blue Base, looking toward mid. Sniper can be found off-screen to the left in the Sniper Window. Modified Rocket Pit. Lift has been removed in favor of 2 hard-paths in the form of rocks in order to make top-mid feel more connected to the lower levels. Narrow paths leading from GL Walkway to the middle building. Path up to GL Walkway from Red Base. A new lift has been added for quick access from the Basement to GL Walkway.
Mmmm, the grays. Does the bottom setion of the first pic show you being able to get onto the sand from the beach? Suggestion: Wallpaper in the ends of the coliseum walls so they dont have that off shade edge to them? Other than that, it appears to be coming along nicely! As for a name, eveything seems to converge into the center of the map, so may Convergence? Thats all I got...
I would have agreed, but it looks like an intentional aesthetic. I wouldn't be so inclined to have the walls/roof have the same texture as the floor... It makes all the objects you actually place look extremely out of place. The objects should try match the walls, and the floors should generally vary in each area making the map distinguishable. Obviously these are only visual comments because I have no idea where the playable space is on the overview except the central part :/ For the most part, keep going
I'm planning on finding ways to get some pieces, especially walls, back for a layout change I'd like to make, so the coliseum walls currently being used as flooring will be first to go (they do look like **** right now). Besides that, i think the rest of the map does its job of varying up floor textures to provide that distinction between rooms. @Shadowcat: On grayness: When it comes to 4v4 maps you pretty much gotta conceed to using coliseum walls as either floors or walls if you're not using FW's natural terrain or the Coliseum...or at least I've never been able to get away with it. There are lots of strong color pieces used to define where you are, so I'm not really worried about the grayness too much on this one. Thanks for the name suggestion. It sounds like something that's probably been use before, but it's worth checking out. Edit: It has been. Many times.
I know I haven't seen this. I'm not so sure if the purple light is a good idea, but as long as it doesn't cause FRL, errthang should be alright. Send me an inv next time I'm on. I'd love to check it out.
The light has been removed- I was only using it to see if I could get lucky and have it work out. It didn't. Anyways, the thread has been updated with new pictures. The map has changed significantly in this past week or so. I've had some very positive tests throughout the development of this map and I hope those of you that have played it have enjoyed yourselves. For those of you that haven't, I hope to get a chance to play it with you soon. Cheers!