Hey y'all, I'm looking for anyone that wants to play some ME3 multiplayer with me. I'm a lvl 18 human Engineer, probably going to do a lot of Bronze challenges until I can get up to speed on Silver.
Just tried out the multiplayer finally. It's fun...like really fun, like I might have a new favorite multiplayer game fun.
Yeah, I have it. Feel free to invite/friend me if you are playing still. The multplayer is fantastic and I love how it's still a cooperative theme (like the single player) and also a small part of the single player story too.
I would love to have a group to play some Multiplayer with... I'm currently a level 12 Human Soldier. Gamertag: COMMANDERMATT1
Im getting Mass Effect 3 a week after it comes out because right now im extremely broke!!! But if anyone wants to add me, My gamertag is Shihuru, obviously. I want to prestige at least 5 characters before I actually play the Story. Judging by the demo, Im extremely skilled in the Multiplayer so you dont have to worry about having to pick up for me...