Rememberance This map is a remake of squidhands Halo 3 map named, Harmony Weapons: DMR - 4 Needle Rifle - 2 Plasma Rifle - 1 Plasma Pistol - 1 Needler - 1 Sniper Rifle - 1 Assault Rifle - 2 Granades: Frag Sets - 2 Plasma Sets - 2
i defanitley remember this map, i love what you did with railing mediums in place for block 1x2s this map has good gameplay and the overshield isnt over powering at all so im downloading
yeah i loved this map back in halo 3 played more 1v1s/FFA's on this than id like to admit. I do have one issue with this rendition that ive made when i first started this map i decided to do it in the coliseum and try to use the already there floor to save on the budget AND time but tht didnt end up happening and yet i kept it where it was long story short i ended up with major frame rate lag and noticed it was WAY too dark but as for the overall layout im happy with the way it came out i can honestly say the only thing id change would be the over shield area and i might do that one thing i can GUARANTEE is that i AM going to redo this outside with natural light and different pieces.
Didn't the original have two quick spawn, no spare clip Snipers? I remember really liking that aspect as it kept me moving and meant that having Sniper was rarely a long, strung out advantage and actually ended up being almost like a secondary in terms of how common they were, but one you had to work for and couldn't tank with.