This is a 4v4 map. That's right. Erupt made a 4v4 map. I know you're still in shock. But before you're like "Pics or it didn't happen!" It did happen: ...But it's still asymm! Bascule 1.4
Can't really tell much from the pictures but I do like the aesthetics in the walls in the first picture. The hall in the second picture looks good too. Overall I'll have to wait for more pictures or for the map to come out, or even to get a test run on the map to give you a better response.
This looks alright. Some of those sightlines look kinda long and flat, and the aesthetics aren't really appealing to me, but I guess I'd have to really see it to be sure.
I thought most of your maps were around 4v4. It's not much of a jump from 2v2 or whatever you made before. The forging looks beautiful as always, and I think the problem Psychoduck noticed is just because of where you took the pictures.
Yeah. First attempt at a 4v4, and I have like 4k budget left. I wanted a cleaner, more MLG-styled look to this one. I do agree though, it's a different style for me. Give me a few more attempts. It's not necessarily the size, the style is much different for me I think. That's been said once before, though not exactly like that. The top floor is very flat.. that wasn't the original idea. There was one height variation that ended up being drastically smaller than I wanted. And every time I try to and some kind of height to the top, something else goes wrong and when I try to fix that.. something else goes wrong and so on. Plus, I haven't really played it yet so I'm not gonna try to fix something that isn't necessarily an issue. Well, there's a download link so you can do it yourself or you could send me a message on xbl and I'll get you an invite if you're on when I'm testing it.
I'm an idiot, gonna download now and check it out. Also when you're testing it add me B Resix Edit: Forging around the map but only one thing really bothered me, which is the brace large type ramp you have outside the water, I stub my toe everytime I walk over it.
All my genius Drift jokes aside, this is a ridiculously clean, uniform map with a great layout: simple, but original. Like I said, the lack of height variation distribution is not necessarily a bad thing, but a map will always play more interesting with players shooting at each on a different y axis.
I checked this map out and it is incredible. You said that you have extra budget that you need to burn, but I think it's a good thing that you have it. I play four people locally so finding maps with extra budget it really hard for me. The layout is very original and I love how you incorporated nature into the layout. It really adds a nice contrast to all the grey. Keep up the good work.
Thank god, its refreshing to see a 4v4 map actually get made instead of a 2v2 map. I can't see the layout from the pics but I will be sure to download to give some opinions. It would be better though if I tested the map with you instead, send me a msg if you ever need testers
hehe, that's what I thought. ♥ Thank ya. I probably won't be able to burn much more budget. I manage to burn about 1k more just by using more decorative instead of whatever other object. I will have to use some more to fix an area of the map that bothers me, but yeah it should be split-screen friendly. Genious? Like, what thought do you put into them? I took Ace into forge on this and that was one of the problems we addressed... A little bit anyways. The major thing we worked on was the superlong hallway. I'll have to get it done and show you the newest version. Thanks. Will do. Still have some renditions to do before testing. That's been taken care of. It was originally suppose to be an overlook into that room.. but that grass went up over it.. so yeah. Fixed. Yep, will do when I start testing. Not sure which hallway we're talking about but the superlong one (which isn't pictured) is getting changed. So yeah, changes: Lift side fixed/Long hallway broken up Thing that people stubbed their to one fixed Looks improved More height distrubution on the top level
Does this happen to have any inspiration from a certain pit styled map that a certain Kuroda was working on? ;D It really does look great, though. Nice constant theme, and I hope the layout manages to do something that I haven't seen yet.