
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Erupt, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    “The scourge of the royal knights.”

    Gallant is a very vertical 1v1/2v2 map that is based around a central Custom Power-Up that gives you a super jump ability, allowing you to jump from the bottom of the map to either of the top landing pads.

    Now for a little history. Gallant was the first map I ever drew out on paper before moving into Forge. I have personally built it 7 different times now, each time a little different from the last. I have also given it away to be forged by someone else, but it just circled back around to me. And now, here I am, finally ready to release it. And that’s how Gallant came to be. I feel like Gallant is my first real map, and therefore is my first real map release and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.

    * For drop spawn
    Weapon/Spare Clips/Spawn Time

    *Sniper Rifle/0/118
    *Grenade Launcher/2/88
    DMR x4/2/30
    Needle Rifle x2/2/30
    Frag Grenade x2/-/45
    Plasma Grenade x2/-/45
    Health Pack/-/45
    Custom Power-Up/-/60

    Custom Power-Up Traits
    300% Jump Height






    Thanks to…

    Well, this started as a map for a 1v1 tournament you and I were gonna have with some others. It’s come a long way since then, as have we. You adopted Gallant once, quit gaming, gave it back to me, came back, left again. You really need to make up your mind. >.< Hope to keep in touch and see you come back someday. ♥

    You came in to this very late in its final build when I wasn’t planning on finishing it and talked me into finishing it. Helped me fix the layout and gave me some good suggestions. Thanks for helping me get back into it.

    This would probably sit on my hard drive until Halo 4 and beyond if you wouldn’t constantly nag me about releasing a map. Thank you for the help throughout.

    You were a lot of the motivation to keep rebuilding it early on… and then you left. I hope you like the final version as much as you liked the early ones.

    Your emotionless self actually gave me a lot of motivation to finish this when you would say something with a tad of emotion behind it about this map, whether you knew it or not. You definitely gave me some good advice along the way to. Thank you, sir.

    Though you probably don’t remember it, you basically trashed one of the older builds of Gallant which led me to rebuild it multiple times. Thanks for getting it to it’s final form.

    You probably had the most games on here, actually. You, like Nibs, unknowingly gave my quite a bit of inspiration to finish it out. Thanks.

    You, like Xzample came in late in Gallant’s life. You also helped me get back into the map and gave me some good advice. Thanks.

    Gallant 1v1
    Xandrith likes this.
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, I am amazed that you're actually posting this. I don't think you ever even bothered to play me on here, but I've been there for each rebuild, and I definitely like how the map turned out. The verticality is great, and the super jump the overshield gives you is pretty awesome.

    I just remember when you started this for the PeepvPeep tournament we were gonna have ages ago...
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks neat. Personally I like how someone has made a vertical 1v1 map because you don't see them very often. One thing I would recommend is to add more pics to the thread and to maybe to open up some more LoS. But before you do that I am going to DL to make sure I am right or wrong

    I was 1st view

    Edit* really Psychoduck you had to post 1 second before me and ruin my moment as soon as I posted, you posted
    #3 bullet2thehead9, Feb 16, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2012
  4. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your first real map? Look at Erupt trying to hide his checkered past. The things you have done in the past will follow you into the grave, remember that. You may be able to fool Forgehub, but good ol' the xzample knows where you came from. I'm watching you...

    As for the map: Like you said, I came late into its life, so I have no idea of the original design, or any of the versions previous to my arrival. But when you showed me the map, I thought it was a very creative layout with some good ideas and clean forging. When I first walked on it, you were explaining to me a few problems with the map, and the most significant one was teleporter placement. I know how something as simple as teleporter placement can really deter you from finishing a project, but once we figured out a solution, you had a breakthrough and started to address the more minor flaws on the map. Slowly but surely, all of the map's problems started to disappear, and it transformed into the great map that it is now.

    It has gone through so much work, that it would be disrespectful to yourself not to release it, and disrespectful to others not to let them experience playing on such a unique map.
    #4 xzamplez, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2012
  5. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know I did at one point...


    Yeah I remember. :'(

    ;) First one I drew out.

    Thanks, you really helped a lot.

    I think you'll find that the center is nearing too open, which was the idea really. Thanks.
  6. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You already know I think this is great, and I don't really know what else to say.

    Maybe that lettle dead end, next to the top plat ramp, is pretty awkwatd. What if you renoved the brace? Think it'd be too open and exposed?
  7. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright. Now I finally have some time to post what I will try to make, an amazing post talking about my history on this map. I remember you showing me the first drawing for this and me having no idea how you were going to draw it. As soon as I saw the first lift when you started forging, I fell in love. You remade it so many times and I did steal it from you at one point...and failed to complete. Anyway, I have always loved the way that you build it, but you always found your own personal flaws and fixed it. It does take a lot of work for someone to rebuild something so many times. I do wish I'll get more games on here, and I'm glad I didn't finish it myself. You did and amazing job with it bud. :) One day i'll kick your ass on it ;)
  8. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would assume so indeed.

    The thing is, Erupt, that the brace
    looks really out of place
    and makes
    that space
    into a huge waste,
    nearly a lost case.
    man, my head already aches.
    You cant keep making these mistakes,
    I already lost trace.
    please, at least lower your pace
    nigga, I banged your dad and smacked you across your face.
    because you probs belong to an inferior race.
    Go put some flowers in a vase.
    And play some base
    pray to god for his grace
    you major disgrace
    SIt down and tie your shoelace
    You never seem to cease to amaze.

    Yeah real gangsta rappin' skills.
  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can you believe I got an infraction for spam for confirming that I suggested removing the brace? Some broken moderating indeed.

    Erupt, have you had any test games on this yet? Id be down for a 1v1 or 2v2 today if you want.
  10. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Wow, sorry for the 4 week bump, but I just saw this on FHF and realized I never posted. I'm really happy this map finally came to fruition. I remember seeing the early geometry in the coliseum and the map has improved so much since then. I only ever played a few games on this final version, but enjoyed the ones I did. It really is a well done piece of work, and I'm glad I got to see it through.

    On an unrelated note, sorry I don't play as much as I used to. You guys are really what I'm gonna miss about xbox. It was this community that made Halo 3 and Reach as fun as they were. <3

    EDIT: Thanks for the shoutout. I don't deserve it, but thank you.

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