
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by makisupa007, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Makisupa 007

    Hadron is a dense plasma generation site. Utilizing the compact particle collider, plasma used for ship propulsion and weaponry is produced within this hidden facility.

    Hadron is a medium sized map best suited for matches ranging in size between 4-10 players. It is a symmetrical map with the hadron collider in the center of the map and various pathways leading around and through the machine.

    Taking the center passageway through the collider is the most direct way across the map toward the enemy base, but the map design leaves you vulnerable as you are funneled down to a single exit point. On the second level there are several ramped tunnels leading around the hadron. And there are two third level ramps that lead to lofted sniping areas that can also be used to cross from one side of the map to the other.

    The finished plasma is being drawn out of the top of the collider and flows up and out of the facility through the ceiling. Be careful not to stand to close to the plasma disharge.

    Out of the supported gametypes listed I recommend: Slayer, Team Slayer, Multi or One Flag, Assult or One Bomb, King of the Kill, and Crazy King.

    DMR start is also recommended.

    Weapon Count:
    6 DMR's
    4 - Plasma Pistols
    2 - Sniper Rifles
    1 - Energy Sword
    1 - Shotgun
    1 - Rocket Launcher
















    Please enjoy Hadron. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

    #1 makisupa007, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2012
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That circular tunnel is a really cool aesthetic you made on there, but I am 99% certain that screenlag is going to occur there. I'm too afraid to download it because it might blow up my xbox upon loading it.

    Still though, that looks pretty awesome, from the outside and the inside.
  3. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ya how is the frame rate in that tube area? It looks really cool but I am concerned about frame rate issues there
  4. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    This looks awsome, very cool asthetics, I realy would like to see how this plays when I get a brake...

    btw this map should be getting more attention, the asthetics are so difforent and brig alot new to the table, but i guess everyone is happy playing on the same old crap made 1,000 times with the same old 5 pieces used for asthetics...
    #4 lglize420, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  5. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Like many maps with awesome aesthetic structures this one is plagued by chugging frame rates and Z fighting.

    If some of the items could be deleted while retaining the same basic structure I would be more inclined to give this a second chance.
  6. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Definitely try to restart this map while keeping the center area. Also the many teleporters at the top have to have a ton of lag.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, great to see more of your curved forging. I made a few of the round chambers but never 1 so detailed. When I first seen it I thought it was some new forge piece or on a different map ha.
  8. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    First off, I want to say that I have NEVER played on a map with such horrible FRL issues. Seriously, I don't think there is a single direction I could look without dropping frames all over the place. The main, and obvious culprit would be your centerpiece. While certainly does look cool in screenshots, it fails to function well in gameplay. FRL aside, it's basically an tube that widens near the center, and becomes narrow again. And you've got the sword in there. This is asking people to camp here. It's designed like a transitional area, but plays like a camp spot due to a lack of flanking opportunities.

    Elsewhere, there are ramps set at 45 degree inclines. This is my biggest forging pet peeve. Not only do these obstruct player movement (jumping feels wonky) they make traversing these areas feel unnatural. To fix some of this, I would suggest upping the scale of the map quite a bit. The extra space would allow you to make these inclines much shallower, and thus easier to climb.

    As for the centerpiece... if you ever want to eliminate your FRL(which is the largest problem at the moment) it has to be completely redesigned using CONSIDERABLY few pieces. There is a reason that most people don't forge this way. It simply doesn't work from a gameplay perspective. Yeah, that means losing alot of the aesthetic draw, but it also means the map will be playable.
    #8 FriedFoodStuffz, Feb 21, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  9. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    I like the big tunnel in the center, it must of taken you a long time with all of those satellites. Watch the price however, because those satellites are pricey. Great map though, but I would make the steep ramps less steep.
  10. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    This map is very cool. I liked the circliar tunnel bit in the middle of the map. The asthetics of the map is very good. There's one, small problem of the map. I'll describe it to you. When you go through the very cool tunnel bit in the middle, it causes a bit of lag due by the frame rate. The pieces you used, the satelites. There cost 50 bucks. You probadly used about alot of them around I'll be guessing 35-40 of those. Lets do the math. 50 X 40 = $2000. That's alot of budget used on one thing. Liked the map include the tunnel. You've done a great job of making this map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.

    I spent a good deal of time on this map, and I'm sorry to hear about some of you experiencing frame rate lag.

    I do have to play a little defense here. I really have never experienced anything close to the lag described in a couple of posts. The only time I've felt it even a little, is inside the collider with more than one person, with grenades blowing up. Even then it was subtle, and didn't necessarily slow me down, it just limited the amount of frames being displayed, so it looked more like film.

    Video is displayed at roughly 30 frames per second.
    Film is displayed at roughly 12 frames per second.

    If you took video and film of a person walking down the street, the person would walk at the same speed in both when played back. It would look different in the film version, though, because there is less information being displayed (12<30) in one second. That is how I experience FRL.

    Are you guys experiencing something different than that? Do I have a misunderstanding of what is happening when people say frame rate lag? Are you actually moving in slow motion?
    #11 makisupa007, Feb 24, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012

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