I think we all have these question raddeling in our heads: -Who will the enemy be? -What are they after? -Will any of the previous species return, including humans? -What new toys will they bring with them? -Where will the game take place? Personally, if the enemy is the forerunners or robots, I thing the game will just be a disappointment. The forerunner intention was peace and robots, lets face it, it's not the same as fighting an organized army like the Covenant. Speaking of that, like many organized armies, even if a treaty is signed not everyone is going to listen to it. For sure the flood will return, I am 99% sure. I feel the new enemy will be another species that is after the rings or something similar. This would come with a bunch of new guns, equipment, and vehicles. The real question is what will happen to the UNSC's tools. From what I can gather the next game will probably take place on a forerunner shield world, the forerunner home world, or an alien spaceship. Atleast at the beginning of the game. Halo 4 could be the start of a great new trilogy:happy:, or the end of all Halo:cry:....
There is already a thread for this subject: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-general-discussion/129294-what-you-want-halo-4-a.html
I think a lot of people are worried more about what type of Multi-player gameplay Halo 4 has to offer. I know there's quite a few people that are hoping Halo 4 caters more to competitive players than casual players.
I want halo 4 to be like Halo 3, fun and casual, not competetive. its very unlikely that a good game will come from this but there is a chance that it'll become another halo 2 or 3.
Yes please. I hope it will really be Halo 4 and not Reach 2, so it would be more based off Halo 3 than Halo: Reach.
Pretty sure that engines don't really have anything to do with graphics. And they're also using a heavily modified version of it so don't worry.
Sorry, but we're not allowing speculation threads regarding Halo 4 anymore. There have literally been hundreds. Just wait for 343i to give us the information, instead of guessing. LOCKED.