Recently, I have been experimenting with Covenant theme aesthetics and have created this map to showcase some of my ideas. I have seen several forge interpretations of Tyrant AA guns in the past; but none I have seen have in my mind been faithful to bungie's designs. So I decided take the reins and have a go myself. There no way to be perfectly faithful but I think I did a pretty good job. This particular is designed around an Invasion gametype I am calling demolition. Invasion but with more boom! The demolition gametype basically consists of two rounds of Assault and a final round of Capture the core. There is only one target per round in the Assault phases. This is because, using gate and weapon labels I have set up the targets to appear to be destructible. In the first stage I have came up with an original covenant structure design I affectionately call the Igloo. It is supposed to be a small housing building for a generator that powers the gate and was designed to provide a good amount of cover for bomb arming but still be vulnerable to grenades as well as to be perfect for being destroyed. I also have a few other covenant props that in this map are used as just scenery but I am using some of them as invasion objectives on other maps I am working on. A pelican spawn in on the final phase as the core capture. This map is in the early testing stages at the moment and will require several more play tests before I will release it (that I will host over the next week or so). If you want be involved send me a friend request and I will invite you; I will also post a link to a beta version on my file share. I would love to hear feedback and advise from other forgers. I have noticed no frame rate issues so far but I have already noticed one problem with the second stage with the gate being a bit of a choke point where allot of the action takes place. There is a side route over the rock but that doesn't seem sufficient to push the action back to the Tyrant. So if anyone has any ideas that might fix that problem I would be grateful to hear from you. Links below:
This is without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous Invasion maps I've seen. Unfortunately, the object usage on it screams "frame rate" at me. I hope that it won't be a problem though... How is the framerate on this map?
If you want another covie prop, I have made a comm crate on some of my earlier maps. It consists of an upside down normal covie crate with three antennas sticking out. It's simple but very effective. Other than that this looks very nice. You should invite me to see it. And when I say you should, that means invite me asap!!!
Wow this looks great I love the detail... I thought my covei reach style as was good this one is great! I have a suggestion for that grav tower that will look better if your willing to spend more money and more resources not a whole lot but more MSG me for the design and well figure something out my gt is waterfallninja3 I like this I hardly ever see covenant aesthetics and I do a lot myself unfortunately my aesthetic test map got lost in a hard drive failure so I cannot show you those...
Holy jesus that looks convincing. I love the attention to detail and just... everything lol. I'm also worried about flamerate rag... I'd love to help you test but unfortunately I hate invasion
Pukeds Rainbows when I saw the gun, then again on the igloo, then again on the pelican. I'm out of napkins, and my keyboard is sticky. The map is gorgeous, but my only concern is that if the igloo is vulnerable to nades, with that size, Elites will be able to dominate it on defense, or so it seems.
So far there have been no complaint in regards to FR even with so many pieces being grouped together. I made an effort to select pieces that wouldn't cause frame drop + a significant amount of the budget gates in and out between each phase which helps + the large rock by the gate acts as a good line of sight blocker. Saying that the maps hasn't thus far been tested with any more than 8 players.
Click on the thumbnails at the bottom for the links. I'll be sure to add something to make it clearer.
I'm really quite intrigued by this... I'd be rather interested in testing this out before it's release to help you improve it from a gameplay perspective (if it needs an improvements at all that is...)
Hey roug3 I was wondering how much that aesthetic covenant spite you showed me costs the one from nightfall??? And is it real extensive on any pieces in particular??? If I can use it and give u credit for the design that would be great I would like to use it on my firefight map I was talking to you about. But I don't want to use your design without permission do if you want I can give you a preview of the map so far sometime and we can talk it over ???
I'll let you know that bomb for invasion is heavily bugged. Building a successful bomb invasion takes extreme focus and ability, with tons upon tons of revising and beta testing. Now even though your structures look pretty cool, I can foresee a fair number of gameplay and design issues. I would recommend you post some overview pics so we can get a better view of the map.
Here is a quick overview of the most updated version of the map as it stands at the moment. Phase1 overview: Phase3 overview: For the second and third stages attackers have the option to either assault the Tyrant gun from the gate, the path over the rock to the left of the gate or by diverting though the tunnel through the mountain and attacking from the rear. I will be hosting playtests today and over the next subsequent days for those interested. My gamertag is R0UG3 p.s. spelt with a zero.