Of Legions III B.Kane Asylum

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by LD, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Of Legions III
    The B.Kane Asylum

    [title=The lobby/Human Spawn]

    Welcome to my little "Thank you for all the votes that Of Legions made win Best of Forge" Thread. With OL III, I wanted to return the Of Legions series to it's former glory, after OL II was the worst map I've ever forged in Reach.

    Like the original Of Legions, I wanted to work with some of Reachs GFX to create a unique atmosphere for Infection. We have all seen the purple Infection maps everywhere, we've seen Infection Maps in the cave and some of us saw Of Legions 1+2, but I hope, none of you saw what I did with OL III before.

    Colorblind + Next Gen + Juicy + Nova = Of Legions III

    As far as I know, Of Legions III is the first bright (at least partially) Infection map, that doesn't use a single light, correct me if I'm wrong.
    I've build OL III in the colosseum, now, the part of the map that is next to the window, is bright while the part that is "deeper" in the colosseum is dark. This way, I could forge a map that has several different kinds of lightning and a unique atmosphere. But I already talked too much and noone ever reads all of this, so here are the pictures most of you already skipped to.

    Of Legions III works with most infection gametypes, but please make sure to try it with the custom gametype!

    Hover over the pictures fo a closer description!

    [title=The reception, you can find a magnum under the desk and two ways to the secret cellblocks right next to it]

    [title=The rehab room that is shown to visitors, as you can see, there is a way to get into the vent that leads to the sectret testing area]

    [title=The entrance to the official cell blocks, you can find a DMR and a way to get into the vent there]

    [title=One of the two broken secret doors to the testing area]

    [title=The testing cell block from above, the higher area is unaccessible though]

    [title=The testing cell block that leads to the testing chamber]

    [title=The way to the testing chamber]

    [title=The entrance to the testing chamber with two entrances to the vent system]

    [title=An overview of the testing chamber, just compare this to the entrance lobby to see how great the filters do their work]

    [title=A closer look at the little details]

    [title=At the top left, you can see one of the entrances from to the vent system]

    [title=Inside the vent system, including vent sounds (not viewable here ;) )]

    [title=The rehab rooms vent entrance]

    [title=Outside of the map ;)]

  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Was this the "secret" map you were talking about to me in that PM? Probably not, since you wanted it to get tested.
    If you're still up for some testing then I suggest you take a look here, and after you're done reading sign up here and submit that map here.
    If you want to keep it a secret for the rest of ForgeHub, then you don't have to put a screenshot.
  3. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not sure if Advertising or helping.....

    If he didn't put up a picture, it would be taken down.

    Looks really good LD! Im glad that you got to 3!! I did like the others but this was a really good idea. The asylum looks great! I can't wait to play at the next TGIF!!!
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You don't understand what I'm saying which makes sense since you didn't read our conversation - Which makes sense as well since we talked to each other through PMs.

    I wasn't advertising okay maybe just a little because I reminded him of our event called BIOC which he referred to when he asked me if I could test a map for him. I was reminding him about where he can post his map for us to take a look at.

    And about the picture: that was involved with the issue that he rather not has ForgeHub knowing about this new map. He wants to keep it a secret.
    I told him that it's okay for him to post the map without including a picture so if one of his friends accidently sees that post he won't be already able to tell what the map looks like. But now you're one of the people who do know about this secret, which was not his intention, since I had to explain this to you. I hope it's okay with LD but it's not my fault, nor is it yours because you couldn't have known :p
    #4 REMkings, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  5. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    You are not a mod......
    You can't tell people they don't have to post a picture...

    But anyway, LD I suggest you use some more objects in the operating room, it doesn't look like enough.
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dude you don't get it!! Never mind.

    Click the spoiler.

    I'm not talking about THIS thread, I'm talking about a post in a discussion in my social group (BIOC). Just go here, read the text and you'll understand why I told him he doesn't have to post a screenshot if he doesn't want to.

    Get it now? xD
  7. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    i have to admit i liked the first of legions map the most. it seems like of legions III isnt anything like 1 or 2. what i liked most about of legions was the great lighting effects, which i don't seem to see much of in this map. in your previous maps the pieces "flowed" together to fit well with the natural enviroment, but there is vertualy no natural environment in this map, seems sorta bland. however i will download and give it a better revue.

    lol yeah remove the last pic
    #7 A30N, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, the lighting and details on this map blows me away, but the use of random miscelenious junk (ei: soccer balls, traffic cones) is a bit of an annoyance.
  9. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Agreed there are parts of this map that look brilliant. The lighting, the reception, the operating room are all great. Yet, there's sections that look very cluttered. Also, the die and soccer balls are a huge turn off.
  10. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The "random" stuff like the golf ball, is all stuff from the rehab room, I just needed to add things for the inmates to play in there. I had some devices like a treadmill in there first, but that eat up too much budget.
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    ... I really like the lighting in this but as said before ther is junk such as cones and golf balls all around those are really a eyesore. If I were you I would take them out but that's just me the lighting is brilliant though
  12. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    This is the first Of Legions to not focus on being scary through a dark atmosphere, and instead tries to bring the same scare factor, but through the players figuring out where they are. It's truly an interesting idea and the actual theme chosen for it couldn't have been better. All in all something felt different, though. Overall, Of Legions III just doesn't have as much of a scare factor as the others. The playspace, while it has a creepy feel, doesn't make me as a player feel scared.

    In my eyes, Of Legions II was one of the best, if not THE best themed infection map I've ever played on. And I'm just talking about Reach, either. But while Of Legions II had an amazing theme, it wasn't in any way scary because of it. Instead, the scare factor came from the caves natural atmosphere (and some FX). The downside to OL2, though, was the overall size of the playspace and some framerate issues.

    My suggestion, would be to go back to OL2, in the sense that you stick with a theme to the point where it is unmistakable and instantly recognizable when even a single glance is thrown its way. But this time around, take that same amount of detail and add it to a theme that is inherently scary. That, added with any one of the 'darker' atmospheres on Forge World will truly be a magnificent infection feat that I know you're capable of.

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