Archon Archon is a medium sized roombased asym primary for 2v2s. It revoles around the timing of power weapons and control of the Custom room. Use with MLG NB settings for Custom Power up traits. Weapons: - 2x DMR - 1x Grenade Launcher - 1x Sniper - 1x Plasma Pistol - 1x Magnum Powerups: - 1x Custom Power up - 1x Jetpack - 2x Health Pack Gametypes: - Slayer - Oddball Screenshots:
I'm puking rainbows, and I don't know if that's because I have a stomachache or if it's because this map is super sexy. The rocks are flawless, the use of 1x1s, everything.
Bunker box. For the mother EFFFin Win. Simple yet effective. Waldo's motto right there. Good luck at Uni Callum, **** ***** get money :]
I second that. You really do need to get some more money if you can't even afford going to Sweden at least three times a year.
A rite of passage for you Waldo. Stepping one foot into the asymmetrical pool. A very fast paced map forcing player to cross shoot to guarantee the win. Height variation that, while subtle, is distributed beautifully. Nice mix of close/long range combat. The ability to get flanked from any position. And a nice weapon setup to compliment the constant flow. The water may be cold, but it's refreshing.
this map is amazing i mean its cleanly forged with simple but astounding aesthetics. I love the rock placement and how you incorporated a tunnel with them plus asymmetrical maps are the hardest maps to do and i think you made a perfect on with this map. great map waldo
Probably my favorite of the bunch. Very.. uh.. Waldo. Very clean. And I really like the way you have did the rocks. I'll probably get a game soon and if I find anything I'll edit this.. thought I doubt I do.
Never seen any of your maps before, this is beautiful. I love maps that can be seen not only as a good forge world map but a working map that looks real life and could be seen in many video games. Excellent design
Hey, keep your rainbow puke off this map. I'm trying to embrace the gray. Nah but thanks man, I appreciate the kind words. Ha ha ha, typical Steve line. Wish there were more bunker boxs though, wall colliseums just don't quite have the same swag factor. Maybe one day Hulter I'll have enough money to visit Sweeden. But three times a year....might be a little excessive. Thanks max, you summed it up pretty nicely.
May I recommend buying a Nintendo Wii? I hear they print money. Otherwise you could always sell your fifteen sheep. But yeah, don't worry, I'll be patient, and besides, I Might come visit you next christmas. I definetly have the money, and if I take another week off from school right after the ordinary holiday ends, I'll have about 15 days. Prepare your hiking bag and shoes and pack your lembas before then, because we'll be taking the hobbits to Isengard big time! But OT, I know what you're saying about the wall, coliseum. It does look like a drab, grey with an e, boring and ugly piece of rubbish, regardless of how you use it. I hope they implement some more colourful pieces, or even options for pieces, in Halo 4.
The problem with Nitendos is they only print money for Nintendo. I wouldn't see a cent. I was thinking of getting rid of those sheep, but ya know, they keep me warm on those cold lonely nights. Yeah, realistically I'm not going to have salot of money until I finish my degree and pay it off. This is 4 -5 solid years I'm talking about here Hulter. But next christmas sounds good hopefully I'll have a flat by then so there will be a little more space. Oh my lemba is already packed but Isengard sounds good, I hear that the chicks there are pretty hot. OT: I really hope 343 learn from Bungies mistakes in forge and make one hell of a map editor for Halo 4. However I don't know whether I'm going to have much time for forge other than in the holidays Uni seems pretty intense, we'll see. The colliseum walls are quite the drab piece , however there really aren't that many options unfortunately.
I loved the way that you used the stairs. Interesting is that you only have about 50 of them, I dont know. You design interspersed with stones, blocks and used excessively 1v1, which eventually resulted in a splendid work, with an incredible combination. Splendid.