Many improvements have been made, and most problems have been addressed. However, the main problem with the map isn't how you chose to forge it, it is the nature of the geometrical balance. Though you have improved the map in various ways, the most significant problem is the source of inspiration. There are many different areas that you travel through during the campaign, and the majority of them would not work well for multiplayer gameplay, because they weren't designed to support it. This area would fall into that category. I played your btb map with the warthog in the glass, and that was a fun map that was clearly designed with btb in mind. I believe you shouldn't sell yourself short by remaking geometry. Show everybody that you have the ability to design a geat btb map from the ground up.
I have never played Cargo Port so I don't know much about the differences. But the map looks great. I love the railing + capture plate crane. I thought that looked pretty sick. Maybe I can help you test this out since it is a preview. Feel free to add me. GT: B Resix.
Exchange has definitely played much better than Cargo Port for 1 Flag, though spawning and flag routes are still just a little wonky. Overall this is a good re-imagination of Cargo Port, even if 4 v. 4 Invasion had to be cut. @Xzamplez: Exchange was never meant to fix everything; originally Duck was just building it for his own enjoyment and wasn't even going to post it. I'm a little confused on the Port Authority mention, as Cargo Port and Exchange aren't BTB maps. Still, I agree a design that does not have the constraints of looking like a campaign space would play better, even though Exchange can break those limits much more than Cargo Port could.
Personally, I like this map. I always have. Its fun and refreshing to play. I just hope that all the blocks appear in game now. I really don't understand why some people have to be so closed minded towards different map designs. A map doesn't have to be perfectly ideal... Hell,there isn't even such thing as a perfect map. Then again, there is Onslaught....
Schnitzel, if you are referring to me, than show it. I'm pretty sick of you addressing people indirectly. I absolutely do have an open mind for all types of designs, from 1v1 to 8v8. That being said, there are rights and wrongs when it comes to map design, it's not all opinion.
I'm not a fan of the structure around the map- it's lacking, IMO. I remember in an invasion game we had, I couldn't find anything to re-gain my shields behind- Brace larges, crates, they weren't effective cover and I ended up sitting at the lowest part of the map, too afraid to go out and get shot down instantly. You may have fixed most of the balance issues, but now I think that the problem is, there isn't enough adequate structure for players to move comfortably around. I do remember being shot at by Nibs, all the way across the map with nothing to take cover behind, but a small crate. Not just that, but I had a little fight with Career and we just danced around the crates until 5 minutes later, I KILLED HIM. That's right, Career. Maybe I'm wrong, though. That's just my thoughts.
I "indirectly" address because it applies to more than the individual that spurs me to make such statements. It's implied that you are one of the people I am addressing, but your not the only one. Don't get your panties in a twist brah. And yes, there are rights and wrongs... But its not so clear cut as many of us make it out to be.
Well, if you have something to say about someone, make it obvious that it is directed towards them, and try to keep your childish sarcasm out of it. I'm not being close minded at all. I am recommending that he should design a map for multiplayer gameplay, rather than taking an area designed for the campaign, and trying to change it into a multiplayer map.
Let's take this argument out of this thread. I don't even understand why it's being had in the first place. Thanks again for the feedback xzamplez (and everyone else). I have designed plenty of maps from the ground up before, but having inspiration from campaign is just cool. This time around, the campaign space has provided little more than inspiration though. Exchange is about as similar to Cargo Port as Avalanche is to Sidewinder. Everything's been vastly improved, and I left nothing from the campaign that would hurt the map's multiplayer gameplay at all. I'm sorry your experience wasn't very good, Eightball. I've added some more cover and made some tweaks in that regard since you've played though. I think if you play it again, you'll have a lot more fun.
I'm really liking the improvements that have been made, mostly to the middle of the map itself. Cargo port always did lack routes in general which made it easy for experienced players to predict eachothers movements, and it seems like youve taken the time to add this element into the new design. I love how clean it looks honestly, the piece use really works out perfectly. You always make me feel that maps arent about prettied up walls and hiding the ugliness of some of the pieces when it comes to these larger designs, but more about the maps geometry in general and how the illusion plays out in a pure competitive fashion. Id honestly love to get in a game on this, so let me know when you plan to do some testing ill take a break from the busy schedule for some fun for once lol.
I'll be lookin' forward to playing on the newest version of the map. I don't know when, or if I'll be on, but when I am, feel free to send me an inv for some games.