The artist behind the majority of Skyrim and Fallout recently passed away. My thoughts are with his family.
Oh, really? This guy's work is beautiful, and this is... the worst possible thing :,( *hangs hat* My thoughts are with him as well.
His work has provided me with so many hours of enjoyment, the art style and atmosphere in Fallout 3 hold a special place in my heart, up there with the likes of Limbo and my other all time favourites. I've yet to start playing Skyrim, but I've had a little toy around on other people's saves and it's pretty clear that he worked his magic there as well. A real loss, but I think it's nice to be able to say that his work will continue to enchant people for a good while yet, games this good have a tendency to stay in people's minds for a long time.
Such an unfortunate thing to happen. It grates me to think that people who don't deserve to die, die too young, and those that are a bane on humanity continue to live well past their expiry date. My thoughts are with his family and friends.